On 29 March 2013 14:45, John Hendy <jw.hendy@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Martin Owen <martinowenuk@gmail.com> wrote:

I am writing a Pomodoro minor mode on top of org-mode. I'm planning to maintain
an Activity Inventory with estimates against each item and move items into a
Todo Today heading each day as I progress through them. The approach is based on
the Pomodoro approach suggested in this book:

My problem is, as I plan to do a lot of refiling, I wanted to write a function
that will take a heading regular expression and refile the subtree at point underneath
it. I am finding this to be difficult, and am wondering if anybody can offer me
any advice? Is it even possible to refile a subtree to a point using Emacs Lisp?

Based on your example file, you're trying to refile "Todo Today" items into a date tree of sorts below for progress tracking? Is that the gist? Just want to make sure I (and the list) understand what you're trying to move and to where (i.e. elaborate on "point underneath it").

I've posted my code here: https://gist.github.com/mowen/5225169 My approach uses the org-cut-subtree and org-paste-subtree functions, but it doesn't work in all situations. You can see this from the org-pomodoro-refile-up test which is currently failing.

Thanks in advance,


Hi John, 

I'd like a function that takes an arbitrary regexp that matches a heading in the current org-mode buffer, and the subtree at point will then be moved to the level underneath that heading. So I'll have a number of headings "Current Task", "Todo Today", "Activity Inventory", and various date headings. I'd like to be able to move subtrees between those headings with Emacs Lisp code.

I'm wondering if someone has suggestions on how to do this, or if it is even possible? I've tried a few things but can't seem to get it to work consistently.

