Does anyone else use notes extensively with src blocks and results drawers? It seems that the regex to parse src blocks and collapse them breaks on drawer :END: markers and possibly other things.

Here's an image of the error:

And the example that it happens with:

* IN-PROGRESS Minimal example
  - Note taken on [2017-11-10 Fri 12:01] \\

    As soon as you add a drawer result though, the LOGBOOK no longer collapses correctly and stops at the first drawer's END. Ideally when collapsing LOGBOOK =#+RESULTS\n\s+:RESULTS:[^:END:]+:END:= could not be counted as the end of a logbook or end of a note.

    #+BEGIN_SRC shell :async :results raw drawer :dir ~/hacking-yi/yi-rope
     ls -larth default.nix

    -rw-r--r-- 1 cody users 520 Nov 10 12:04 default.nix

  - Note taken on [2017-11-10 Fri 11:49] \\

    Notes like this are fine and collapse correctly both at the note level and the logbook level

     #+BEGIN_SRC shell :async :results raw 
     mkdir ~/hacking-yi


  CLOCK: [2017-11-10 Fri 11:49]
End Example

