I'm having an issue with quoting noweb functions. Since quote is used to signify a variable being passed into the noweb syntax function call I cannot put a quote around theno web function call and end up with invalid bash. I feel like I had this working at some point and it turned out that :results value smartly handles quoting the values or something. I keep seeming to run into the problem though of needing something like: echo "<> echo $json | jq $jqExpr #+end_src #+RESULTS: get-login-json-value | sh: line 2: hunter2 | : command not found | ** result: sh: line 2: hunter2 | : command not found | * get login token function using previous functions ** code #+name: get-login-token #+call: get-login-json-value(logValUserVar="user3",logValUserPass="user3",".loginToken") #+RESULTS: get-login-token ** result: nothing, because the previous step fails