
I am enjoying learning more and more about how functional and useful org-mode is, truly amazing software.

One thing I've setup is a Babel document for logging exercise activities and accompanying custom org-capture-templates for entering data.  These worked great until recently but with no conscious change to my org-capture-template they are now broken.

A simple example of the document is ~/org/training/training.org

* Running
** Log
#+NAME: running-log
#+CAPTION: Running Log
| Date             | Route             | Distance | Time         | Pace                          | Notes       |
| <2021-01-03 Fri> | Shorter 12km run  | 12.25km  | 60min + 25s  | 4 min / km + 55.918367 s / km | Less icey!  |
| <2021-01-01 Fri> | Longer 16km run   | 16.22km  | 80min + 03s  | 4 min / km + 56.115906 s / km | Icey!       |

I then have a ~/org/computing.org for keeping notes of tasks to do, a simple example is...

* Emacs ** TODO <2020-11-11 Wed> vterm only on non-work computers.

My org-capture-templates are...

(setq org-capture-templates '(;; Computing ("c" "Computing") ("ce" "Emacs" entry (file+olp "~/org/computing.org" "Emacs") "* TODO %t %?\n" :prepend t) ;; Exercise ("e" "Exercise") ("er" "Logging a run" table-line (file+olp "~/org/training/training.org" "Running" "Log") "| %t | %? | km | min + s | | |" :prepend t) ("ec" "Logging a cycle" table-line (file+olp "~/org/training/training.org" "Cycling" "Log") "| %t | %? | km | min + s | | |" :prepend t)))

Until recently I could invoke org-capture, select e r and I'd be prompted to enter data under Route...

| <2021-01-03 | <cursor here to start entry> | km | min + s | | |

On saving this would populate the table and calculate the pace.  Now though I'm informed...

Capture abort: Symbol's function definition is void: assert

Debugging shows...

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Capture abort: Symbol’s function definition is voi...")
 signal(error ("Capture abort: Symbol’s function definition is voi..."))
 error("Capture abort: %s" "Symbol’s function definition is void: assert")
 org-capture(nil) funcall-interactively(org-capture nil)
 call-interactively(org-capture nil nil)

I asked on Emacs Stackexchange and it was suggested the error lay with cl.el as assert is a function 
of this deprecated package. The suggested additional of (require 'cl) didn't improve things, just got a
different error message...

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Capture abort: Invalid function: assert") signal(error ("Capture abort: Invalid function: assert")) error("Capture abort: %s" "Invalid function: assert") org-capture(nil) funcall-interactively(org-capture nil) call-interactively(org-capture nil nil) command-execute(org-capture)

As I say I'd not changed my configuration which is the org-mode bundled with Emacs 27.1.  I do have 
a few computers though and it was still working on a second system until I update installed packages, 
after which the original error messsage (Capture abort: Symbol's function definition is void: assert)
occurred again. The packages I updated seem unrelated (to my untrained eye). They were...

company-20201214.1620 ein-20201217.1508 flycheck-20201214.2154 forge-20201212.905 magit-20201212.929 org-ref-20201126.1924 pass-20190830.2017 projectile-20201214.839 python-mode-20201218.751 pyvenv-20201210.1509 auctex-12.3.1 dash-20201215.59 dash-functional-20201215.40 ess-20201217.1440 git-commit-20201115.2313 helm-20201215.1623 helm-core-20201202.907 ivy-20201217.1559 key-chord-20160227.1238 markdown-mode-20201211.329 mpdel-20201026.1123 transient-20201205.1610

What is strange is that capturing to ~/org/computing.org still works fine.
If there is any more information I can provide to assist with working out where this is occurring
please let me know.

Thanks and regards,

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge - Charles Darwin

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