Hi Jack,
Thanks for your response. Sorry for not being clearer.

My python src blocks often have both graphical output as well as the results of some numerical calculation displayed using print statements.
#+begin_src python :results file
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def f(x): return np.polyval(a, x)
a = [1, -4, 4.5, -1.5]
x = np.roots(a)
print(f'Roots of the polynomial are {x}')
x_ = np.linspace(np.min(x), np.max(x), 100)
plt.plot(x_, f(x_))
plt.plot(x, f(x), marker='o')
return 'img/ex1.png'

Executing this results in


When exported I would like the line: return 'img/ex1.png' not to be included in the listing of the src block.

Also, the output of the print statement is not displayed in this case. It seems that the display of the results of the print statement: print(f'Roots of the polynomial are {x}') , would require  execution of a duplicate src block without the return statement  in the last line, and with ':results output' replacing ':results file'  which gives:

: Roots of the polynomial are [2.3660254 1.        0.6339746]

I would have liked to avoid the duplication if possible.


On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 11:53 PM Jack Kamm <jackkamm@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi RC,

R C <recifx@gmail.com> writes:

> 1. Is it possible to have both types of output displayed from a single src
> block to avoid having to duplicate the src block, using :exports results
> for one and :exports both for the other?

No, there's no option to output both ":results output" and ":results value".

If you want both output and value results, and want to avoid executing
the same code twice, you could consider using a pair of ":session"
blocks, for example:

#+begin_src python :session session1 :results output
print("Block that does some computations")
x = 1+1

#+begin_src python :session session1 :results output

> 2. Is there an option to suppress export of the the last line of the src
> block which is specific to the ob-python implementation.

I'm not sure what you mean by this, could you give an example of what
the observed and desired behaviors are?