Hi, I am trying to add to my refile target list a file that exists in a sub-directory of org-directory. I have tried to do this by concatenating the variable org-directory with the string containing the path to the file like so: (setq org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 9) (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 9) (concat org-directory "/projects/project.org" :maxlevel . 9))) This does not seem the right way to do it as I get the error org-refile-get-targets: Bad refiling target description (org-directory /projects/project.org:maxlevel . 9)when I try to refile something. Unfortunately I do not have sufficient knowledge about elisp to correct this, but I am willing to read-up if pointed in the right direction. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you. -- Sincerely, Varun Vats Graduate Student University of Wisconsin, Madison mailvarunvats@gmail.com