Thanks a lot Eric
The small sise was just there for my experiments to ensure my attributes were processed
Thanks again i will be able to finish my deck of slides.
I did not know this syntax but I guessed that the workflow was the problem

Kind regards

Le 10 févr. 2015 10:51, "Eric S Fraga" <> a écrit :
On Monday,  9 Feb 2015 at 21:59, deadbrain wrote:
> Hi all org-mode gurus,
> I am trying to generate a deck of slides using Emacs/org-mode /beamer &
> some companion tools (graphviz & plantuml).
> I have a problem to set the dimensions for the graphviz (or plantuml)
> generated pictures.
> Whatever the version used (tested 8.2.10-30 or 8.3-beta from git) and
> whatever the option (ATTR_LATEX set) the TEX file generated does not
> contain the right scaling options.

Two changes are required to get this to work.

1. you need to have the latex attribute just before the image.  To do
   this, execute the src block which will generate the results
   line.  Then move the attribute line to just before the RESULTS

2. you need to tell the exporter that the results to export are a file.

In summary, I got your example to work with the following snippet:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+name: graph-info-figure
#+begin_src dot :file graph-intro.png :cmdline -Kdot -Tpng :results file
digraph G{
node1 -> node2
node1 -> node3
node3 -> node4
node3 -> node5

#+ATTR_LATEX: :height 3cm
#+results: graph-info-figure
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I named the src block as I find that it is good practice in general to
do so...

Note that I changed the size directive to 3cm to see the effect clearly!


: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3beta-798-g528b90