> > The exact same slowness problem happened just now. "M-x org-element-cache-reset"
> > didn't have any effect. Nor did setting `org-element-use-cache' to nil. Again,
> > killed the buffer and reopened didn't help.
> It looks like the problem isn't related to the cache then. Anyway, you
> could try to do some profiling (see `profiler-start').
> > One thing I didn't do, unfortunately, was that I reset cache only for the buffer
> > where the slowness manifested. I think I should try reseting cache for all the 8
> > buffers too right?
> Cache is buffer dependent, so you don't need to reset cache for all of
> them (though it's simply C-u M-x org-element-cache-reset).

I haven't experienced this problem (I'm now using "df9ccbd") since last time I
reported (July 2 I guess), really hope that this problem has been fixed. Thank
you very much for all the hard work you have done on this issue.
