2014/1/5 Julian Gehring <julian.gehring@gmail.com>
Have you tried to specify the full path without the expansion of '~' (i.e. replacing the "~" with "/home/USER/" or equivalent)?  At least, this seems to eliminate the error message of bibtex2html failing.

Sorry Julian, I reply too lately, but I have had some problems with my O.S. 

No, I confirm that I need  

#+BIBLIOGRAPHY: references plain option:-a limit:t

i.e. the references.bib file in the same folder of the paper.org file and that 

#+BIBLIOGRAPHY: /home/joseph/Dropbox/Bibliographies/references plain option:-a limit:t

makes bibtex2html fails. 

That'not a real problem. I am going to learn how organize my folders for publishing with org. 

Best wishes
