2014/1/7 François Pinard > I'm far from being sure, but if I wanted to use Org as a mean to write > HTML or PDF as message attachments, I would think it could be done with > a very moderate amount of Emacs Lisp customization. Unless mistaken, > the Org editor to HTML might yield its output in a temporary Emacs > buffer, (for PDF, maybe not) and I would be fairly surprised if message > composition does not have facilities to receive attachments from > buffers. And even if one would have to go through an external file, the > extra overhead might be negligible in practice. Putting all the pieces > together might require some work, but maybe not that much. > Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I am not at all able to do such a work, and I very probably will never be able to. But maybe this suggestion will be interesting for an emacs org-mode developer, who knows... Best whishes, et meilleurs voeux pour 2014. Joseph