2013/12/29 Alexander Baier <lexi.baier@gmail.com>
> But I wonder if there is a key binding to get first the void
> block in one command line :
> #+begin_src latex :exports results :results latex
> #+end_src
> in order to use after CD-Latex inside this org-mode block

What exactly do you want to do?  Do you want to insert above mentioned
source block into your buffer?  Something like a snippet?

Yes, you have understood that I want to obtain. 

This is already included in org-mode and is known as "Easy
Templates". Take a look at the manual (info "(Org) Easy Templates").  If
you need help with configuring this, let us know.

Thanks for your help. The manual online is clearer than the book Org Mode 7 reference manual, the example is very useful, and it works !

Now, I have tried to configure this variable org-structure-template-alist via M-x customize-variable  , but I have not succeeded in getting this one:

  #+begin_src latex :exports results :results latex



How is it possible to get a larger space in inserting a new variable? 

Thanks for your kind help !

Best wishes,
