On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 12:00 AM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote: > Hello, > > "Kyeong Soo (Joseph) Kim" writes: > > > By the way, as said, [[*Foo][Section Foo]] does not produce the link in > > LaTeX export any longer; version 8.x generates just "\texttt{Section > Foo}" > > unlike version 7.x. > > An ECM illustrating the problem would be nice. > > "\textt{Section Foo}" means that [[*Foo][Section Foo]] couldn't match > a headline. It can happen if there is no headline named exactly Foo in > the exported part of the buffer. > > > Regards, > > -- > Nicolas Goaziou > Below I provide ECM for LaTeX cross-referencing you requested, which itself summarizes the issues in the current export engine: We see that there are mix of results for different cases of heading title (i.e., \texttt{}, \hyperref[]{}, & \ref{}) and that only referring by custom_id results in a correct cross-reference. Note that, as mentioned in the list several time before, there is currently no way to customizing hyperref format using 'org-export-latex-hyperref-format' varible, which becomes obsolete now. ============ org-mode source ============ #+TITLE: \LARGE ECM for New Org-Mode \LaTeX Export Engine #+DATE: Time-stamp: <2014-09-23 10:52:34 Kyeong Soo (Joseph) Kim> #+AUTHOR: Joseph #+EMAIL: #+DESCRIPTION: ECM for testing LaTeX engine compatibility issues #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: toc:nil email:t #+STARTUP: overview fnauto fnadjust hideblocks #+LaTeX_CLASS: article #+BEGIN_abstract We test \LaTeX cross-referencing in emacs org-mode version 8.x. #+END_abstract * OneWord :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: sec:one_word :END: * Two Words :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: sec:two_words :END: * With & in the Title :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: sec:with_ampersand :END: * Cross-Referenceing For Section title with one word: - By custom ID: Sec. [[#sec:one_word]] - By name (using C-c l & C-c C-l): Sec. [[*OneWord][OneWord]] For Section title with multiple words: - By custom ID: Sec. [[#sec:two_words]] - By name (using C-c l & C-c C-l): Sec. [[*Two%20Words][Two Words]] For Section title with &: - By custom ID: Sec. [[#sec:with_ampersand]] - By name (using C-c l & C-c C-l): Sec. [[*With%20&%20in%20the%20Title][With & in the Title]] =============== Exported LaTeX file =============== % Created 2014-09-23 Tue 10:52 \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{fixltx2e} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{float} \usepackage{wrapfig} \usepackage{rotating} \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{marvosym} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{hyperref} \tolerance=1000 \author{Joseph} \date{Time-stamp: \textit{<2014-09-23 10:52:34 Kyeong Soo (Joseph) Kim>}} \title{\LARGE ECM for New Org-Mode \LaTeX Export Engine} \hypersetup{ pdfkeywords={}, pdfsubject={ECM for testing LaTeX engine compatibility issues}, pdfcreator={Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.7c)}} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} We test \LaTeX cross-referencing in emacs org-mode version 8.x. \end{abstract} \section{OneWord} \label{sec-1} \section{Two Words} \label{sec-2} \section{With \& in the Title} \label{sec-3} \section{Cross-Referenceing} \label{sec-4} For Section title with one word: \begin{itemize} \item By custom ID: Sec. \ref{sec-1} \item By name (using C-c l \& C-c C-l): Sec. \hyperref[sec-1]{OneWord} \end{itemize} For Section title with multiple words: \begin{itemize} \item By custom ID: Sec. \ref{sec-2} \item By name (using C-c l \& C-c C-l): Sec. \texttt{Two Words} \end{itemize} For Section title with \&: \begin{itemize} \item By custom ID: Sec. \ref{sec-3} \item By name (using C-c l \& C-c C-l): Sec. \texttt{With \& in the Title} \end{itemize} % Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.7c) \end{document}