Hi All, First time contributing here, so apologies if I haven't gotten this quite right. As part of my employment I have an org document I have written contains a number of restclient and bash code blocks. The results of some of these src blocks are fed into other src blocks, and having to input "y" multiple times when trying to hit a REST api quickly became cumbersome. I also found the method of supplying a new org-confirm-babel-evaluate to disable the "ask to execute" behavior on a per language basis to be too crude. Therefore, I would like to introduce a new flag for src blocks ":confirm-evaluate", where a value of "n", "no", "f", or "false" will disable the "ask to execute" behavior for that specific block. I believe that this is a safer behavior compared to disabling "ask-to-execute" on a per language basis, and adds convenience to src blocks for literate programming. Thanks for your time, and I welcome any feedback! Sincerely, Mack