On Sun, Oct 2, 2022 at 6:51 PM Christopher M. Miles <numbchild@gmail.com> wrote:

I hate to rewrite those steps more than 3 times. But I also know Emacs
contributors should not be forced to fix bug for me. Also I can't fix
this bug by myself. So I think it's not a bug, I can tolerate this
center line. Maybe I mastered skill for modify code in Emacs, I might
come back to fix this bug by myself. But now, let me close it. I'm not
hating anybody, just hate this process. Thanks for checking out.

Come on.

1. find an image file in your system
2. emacs -Q
3. M-: (erase-buffer)
4. Insert "askdjaklsdj lasasd"
5. M-: (require 'org)
6. M-x font-lock-mode
7. M-: (put-text-property (point-min) (point-max) 'face 'org-link)
8.  M-: (put-text-property (point-min) (point-max) 'display (create-image "/path/to/image" nil nil :ascent 'center :max-height 512))