Hallo,     and thanks for reading.
I am an old user of emacs (since foregoing century) meanwhile  80 year and 5 month old.
Using W11 on an HP laptop
I downloaded emacs (got it in my private Download directory and extracted the zip THERE)
made a desktop link to run runemacs  
And works nicely
using org mode for a lot of different tasks  (as I did already long ago)
Came across orgmode.org   but that info I can not get to work .

For example I got not as years ago an  .emacs  at c:/ as was done years ago by installing emacs

For example I have a juni2022.org file and would like that that org-file is opened automatically on a click on the emacs desktop short-cut icon.  (years ago something in init.el (load-file "..." )if  I remember correctly 

So understanding orgmode.com I need, so it looks like, that I have first to adjust my emacs installation. I appreciate any help.
Thanks Peter Gragert