
Since a few weeks we use mattermost at work and I had recently to post a table to a team channel. I have created my table with org-mode, but when I export it to markdown format, the table is converted to html instead of markdown.

Is there any reason to that, except the simple fact that table conversion is not implemented yet?

As the markdown format is quite similar to the org-mode format regarding tables, I don't really see where could lie the difficulty.

- org format

| column 1  | column 2       | column 3        |
| some text | some more text | event more text |
| blah      | 45             | fgf             |

- markdown format
| column 1  | column 2       | column 3        |
| some text | some more text | event more text |
| blah      | 45             | fgf             |

This is obviously a very simple example, but usually, with mattermost, one doesn't post very complex messages.
