Hello all, I would like to use org-babel to have SQL code like this: * Some heading #+begin_src something SELECT COUNT(*) FROM some_table; #+end_src I would like to have the code highlighted as SQL. However, I'm not reading from a DB matching the requirements of https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-sql.html What I would like to do when I run the code above is to: 1) simply take the contents of the code and push it into a tmp file 2) run a shell program on the tmp file: impala-shell -f tmp file.txt 3) Capture the STDOUT from the above command How would I do this using org-babel? Create a new "language"? Are there already similar implementations which basically take the contents of the source code, save to a temp file then execute a standalone program and capture results? Again, I would like to have SQL style highlighting. Thanks for pointers -- I'm sure this is something that's reasonably easy to implement - I just don't want to start off on the wrong foo.t --Nate