I have this in my init.el - I did it years ago and it could be refined, but works for my needs. My custom agenda view breaks the agenda into 4 blocks of todos - Completed/Cancelled - WIP - Delegated - Backlog (setq org-agenda-custom-commands (quote (("n" "Agenda and all TODO's" ((agenda "" nil) (alltodo "" nil)) nil) ("wr" "Weekly Report" ((todo "DONE|CANCELLED" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Completed and Cancelled : Last Week"))) (todo "STARTED|NEXT" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "WIP"))) (todo "HOLD|DELEGATED" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "On Hold and Delegated Tasks"))) (todo "TODO" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Task Backlog")))) nil nil)))) On 25 June 2017 at 19:02, Fabrice Niessen wrote: > Narendra Joshi writes: > > Is it possible to group tasks in org-agenda by the state they are in? > > For example, I would like to have horizontal divider between all tasks > > that are ONGOING and tasks that are in TODO state. > > I have already setup `org-agenda-sorting-strategy' to get the desired > > order. > > You could be interested to have a look at my org-leuven-agenda-views.el, > in my own "Emacs Leuven" configuration files. > > Fabrice > > -- > Fabrice Niessen > Leuven, Belgium > http://www.pirilampo.org/ > > > -- regards, Tim -- Tim Cross