Dear all,

happy new year to everybody!

I think I might have discovered a bug.
I am preparing some slides using org-beamer mode. Here is the snippet of a table I have in my file:

   #+ATTR_LATEX: :float t :width 4cm
   | /Single node app/ | /Distributed app/           |
   | Operating System  | Distributed OS              |
   | Network           | Network programming libs    |
   | Progr. language   | Distributed Progr. language |

If I understand well from the documentation, the "width" option should set the width of the table. However, the exporter produces the following latex snippet:

\emph{Single node app} & \emph{Distributed app}\\
Operating System & Distributed OS\\
Network & Network programming libs\\
Progr. language & Distributed Progr. language\\

Clearly, the lenght specification went in the wrong place, as the first parameter of tabular should not be the width of the table, but the column alignment.

I am running the most updated version from git, that is 8.3beta

All the best,

Giuseppe Lipari

Giuseppe Lipari
Université de Lille 1
blogs:  (Italian)
          http://okpanico,          (Italian)