2015-08-13 4:45 GMT+02:00 Matt Lundin <mdl@imapmail.org>:
Benny Simonsen <benny@slbs.dk> writes:

> ** <2015-08-11 12:00> Simple event, default duration
> :ID: 71def5c6-2f7e-4560-88d9-f13187bfd9f8
> :END:

How did you produce these timestamps?

I have made the timestamp by hand and I propably found that it didn't change anything, so it was faster not including the day of week.

* Simple event, default duration
  <2015-08-11 Tue 12:00>

...results in...

DESCRIPTION:<2015-08-11 Tue 12:00>

We still have the timestamp but just moved to DESCRIPTION.

I would normally like to get it completely removed.

Maybe I should make an option for removing active timestamps in the header or postprocess the ics file for my special usage.

<2015-08-12 Wed 12:00-12:59>

When I use that, the duration exports correctly to ics. See
http://orgmode.org/manual/Timestamps.html for more details.

Great - Much easer to read.

Hope this helps.

Yes, thank you.