Hi all, After quite a bit of mucking around and finally resorting to checking the source code, I worked out how to wrap an image in a figure environment without a caption. The final solution #+ATTR_LATEX: :float figure was trivial, but the manual wasn't too helpful on this particular subject. So others don't have to go through the same troubles I think the manual could be slightly reworded. In the section "Images in Latex export" http://orgmode.org/manual/LaTeX-specific-attributes.html#LaTeX-specific-attributes I think the following sentence: "You can also ask Org to export an image as a float without specifying caption by setting the :float attribute." should be change to: "You can also ask Org to export an image as a float without specifying a caption by setting the :float attribute *to figure*." Also a summary of the the attributes and their valid values, as is done for Latex tables would be useful. Cheers, Chris. ps. I tried to find out if I could make those changes myself, but after much clicking and searching, I could only find: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html but that doesn't say anything about contributing to the documentation.