Hi  there!

I'm using org-mode to generate a table which has columns with mathematical expressions in certain columns.

   #+caption: Berger's list of Holonomy groups
   #+name: tab:holonomy
   |   | Metric        | Holonomy                    | Dimension             |
   | / | <>            | <>                          | <>                    |
   | # | Kaehler       | \( U(\tfrac{n}{2}) \)       | \(n\in 2\mathbb{N} \) |
   | # | Calabi-Yau    | \( SU(\tfrac{n}{2}) \)      | \(n\in 2\mathbb{N} \) |
   | # | Hyper-Kaehler | \( Sp(\tfrac{n}{4}) \)      | \(n\in 4\mathbb{N} \) |
   | # | Quaternionic  | \( Sp(\tfrac{n}{4})Sp(1) \) | \(n\in 4\mathbb{N} \) |
   | # | Exceptional   | \( G_2 \)                   | 7                     |
   | # |               | \( Spin(7) \)               | 8                     |

Unfortunately, these math expressions should be typeset between \( and \).


Is there a way to say that a column contains (by default) mathematical expressions?

In LaTeX the answer would be:
- Use the package =array=
- In the format of the array column include >{$} c <{$}, to indicate these is a math expression

Thank you.

Oscar Castillo-Felisola.
Grupo de Fisica Teorica.
Av. Espana, 1680, Valparaiso-Chile.