I exported some html with defaut style and a javascript src block:

#+BEGIN_SRC javascript
var x = {}

The exported html contains the default styles and pseudo-elements for following languages only:

  pre.src:hover:before { display: inline;}
  pre.src-sh:before    { content: 'sh'; }
  pre.src-bash:before  { content: 'sh'; }
  pre.src-emacs-lisp:before { content: 'Emacs Lisp'; }
  pre.src-R:before     { content: 'R'; }
  pre.src-perl:before  { content: 'Perl'; }
  pre.src-java:before  { content: 'Java'; }
  pre.src-sql:before   { content: 'SQL'; }

Why is javascript not included? I know I could write the `pre.src-javascript:before { content: 'Javascript'; } myself. Syntax-highlighting looks fine but the upper right label on hover is missing.
