Does the ELPA package include packages not bundled with Emacs (Those marked "C" in customize-variable org-modules)? Installing it didn't seem to make the org-drill module available. As for the date problem, I guess it's trying to use cmd as my default shell and generating the temporary batch script automatically; I'll try to get that sorted out somehow.


On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 3:02 AM, Achim Gratz <> wrote:
William Kunkel writes:
> I've traced the problem to the fact that make is trying to run a
> temporary batch script with cmd, with the contents:
> @echo off
> date +%Y-%m-%d

There is no such batch script in the entire Org distribution, nor should
the build system ever try to run cmd for anything (you really need a
POSIX shell for anything make doesn't use built-ins for), so it seems
you're using some strange make and/or have the PATH set incorrectly.  If
you're not using a recent GNU Make, you can try to compile Org without
one (as described in the FAQ on Worg), however I'd suggest you use the
ELPA package instead.

That said, the result of the particular invocation that requires date is
only used in the documentation, so if you really want to see how far you
can progress beyond that, simply remove the "$(shell date +%Y-%m-%d)" in
mk/ and replace it with the current date like "2014-04-06".

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