Hi all, I, for reasons I cannot control, have to use Windows. I've been using emacs and the version of org mode packaged with emacs. However, I've wanted to use org-drill, which as far as I understand requires compiling org-mode from source. I copied local.mk from the "Emacs on Windows" section here: http://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-build-system.html. However, when I then run make, it hangs. I've traced the problem to the fact that make is trying to run a temporary batch script with cmd, with the contents: @echo off date +%Y-%m-%d As "+%Y-%m-%d" is not valid input to the DOS "date" command, (which, unlike the Linux version, only sets the date), it prompts for acceptable input and the program hangs. Why is this happening, and how can I make it not happen? Thanks, Will Kunkel