This might be a spacemacs-specific error, but maybe people here can help me out? I am getting the following error on org load > (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or directory" "om") (full stacktrace below) Indeed, I get this: > (require 'om) > *** Eval error *** Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, om Yet `describe-package` shows that om *is* installed ``` om is a dependency package. Status: Installed in ‘om-20200927.1406/’ (unsigned). Version: 20200927.1406 Summary: No description available. ``` Very possible that I don't know what I'm doing here, but it seems like `require` should absolutely work should it not? ``` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or directory" "om") require(om) (lambda nil (require (quote om)) t)() run-hooks(use-package--org--post-config-hook) (progn t (run-hooks (quote use-package--org--post-config-hook))) (if (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--org--pre-config-hook)) (progn t (run-hooks (quote use-package--org--post-config-hook)))) (progn (if (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--org--pre-config-hook)) (progn t (run-hooks (quote use-package--org--post-config-hook)))) t) (condition-case err (progn (if (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--org--pre-config-hook)) (progn t (run-hooks (quote use-package--org--post-config-hook)))) t) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning1336 :config err))) (lambda nil (condition-case err (progn (if (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--org--pre-config-hook)) (progn t (run-hooks (quote use-package--org--post-config-hook)))) t) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning1336 :config err))))() eval-after-load(org (lambda nil (condition-case err (progn (if (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--org--pre-config-hook)) (progn t (run-hooks (quote use-package--org--post-config-hook)))) t) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning1336 :config err))))) (progn (if (fboundp (quote org-clock-out)) nil (autoload (function org-clock-out) "org" nil t)) (if (fboundp (quote org-occur-in-agenda-files)) nil (autoload (function org-occur-in-agenda-files) "org" nil t)) (if (fboundp (quote org-agenda-files)) nil (autoload (function org-agenda-files) "org" nil t)) (condition-case err (if (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--org--pre-init-hook)) (progn (progn (setq org-startup-with-inline-images t org-src-fontify-natively t org-imenu-depth 8) :config (progn (font-lock-add-keywords (quote org-mode) (quote ...)) (evil-delay (quote ...) (quote ...) (quote after-load-functions) t nil (format "evil-define-key-in-%s" ...)))) (run-hooks (quote use-package--org--post-init-hook)))) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning1336 :init err))) (eval-after-load (quote org) (function (lambda nil (condition-case err (progn (if (run-hook-with-args-until-failure ...) (progn t ...)) t) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning1336 :config err))))))) (condition-case err (progn (if (fboundp (quote org-clock-out)) nil (autoload (function org-clock-out) "org" nil t)) (if (fboundp (quote org-occur-in-agenda-files)) nil (autoload (function org-occur-in-agenda-files) "org" nil t)) (if (fboundp (quote org-agenda-files)) nil (autoload (function org-agenda-files) "org" nil t)) (condition-case err (if (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--org--pre-init-hook)) (progn (progn (setq org-startup-with-inline-images t org-src-fontify-natively t org-imenu-depth 8) :config (progn (font-lock-add-keywords ... ...) (evil-delay ... ... ... t nil ...))) (run-hooks (quote use-package--org--post-init-hook)))) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning1336 :init err))) (eval-after-load (quote org) (function (lambda nil (condition-case err (progn (if ... ...) t) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning1336 :config err))))))) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning1336 :catch err))) (progn (defvar use-package--warning1336 (function (lambda (keyword err) (let ((msg (format "%s/%s: %s" ... keyword ...))) (display-warning (quote use-package) msg :error))))) (condition-case err (progn (if (fboundp (quote org-clock-out)) nil (autoload (function org-clock-out) "org" nil t)) (if (fboundp (quote org-occur-in-agenda-files)) nil (autoload (function org-occur-in-agenda-files) "org" nil t)) (if (fboundp (quote org-agenda-files)) nil (autoload (function org-agenda-files) "org" nil t)) (condition-case err (if (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--org--pre-init-hook)) (progn (progn (setq org-startup-with-inline-images t org-src-fontify-natively t org-imenu-depth 8) :config (progn ... ...)) (run-hooks (quote use-package--org--post-init-hook)))) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning1336 :init err))) (eval-after-load (quote org) (function (lambda nil (condition-case err (progn ... t) (... ...)))))) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning1336 :catch err)))) spacemacs-org/init-default-org-config() funcall(spacemacs-org/init-default-org-config) (let* ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg (quote :name))) (owner (car (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owners))))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S -> init (%S)..." pkg-name owner)) (funcall (intern (format "%S/init-%S" owner pkg-name)))) configuration-layer//configure-package(#) mapc(configuration-layer//configure-package (# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ...)) (let (packages-to-configure) (let ((--dolist-tail-- packages) pkg-name) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq pkg-name (car --dolist-tail--)) (let ((pkg (configuration-layer/get-package pkg-name))) (cond ((eieio-oref pkg (quote :lazy-install)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it can be lazily installed." pkg-name))) ((and (eieio-oref pkg ...) (not ...)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has been excluded." pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg ...)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has no owner layer." pkg-name))) ((not (configuration-layer//package-reqs-used-p pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format ... pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabled-p pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is disabled." pkg-name))) (t (let (...) (if dir ...)) (if (memq ... ...) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond (... ...) (t ... ...))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))) (setq packages-to-configure (reverse packages-to-configure)) (mapc (quote configuration-layer//configure-package) packages-to-configure) (mapc (quote configuration-layer//post-configure-package) packages-to-configure)) configuration-layer//configure-packages-2((abbrev ac-ispell ace-jump-helm-line ace-link ace-window adaptive-wrap add-node-modules-path afternoon-theme ag aggressive-indent alchemist alect-themes alert all-the-icons ample-theme ample-zen-theme anaconda-mode ansi-colors anti-zenburn-theme apropospriate-theme archive-mode auto-compile auto-complete auto-highlight-symbol auto-yasnippet avy badwolf-theme birds-of-paradise-plus-theme blacken bookmark bracketed-paste browse-at-remote browse-kill-ring bubbleberry-theme bundler busybee-theme cargo centered-cursor-mode cherry-blossom-theme chocolate-theme chruby cider cider-eval-sexp-fu clean-aindent-mode clj-refactor clojure-mode clojure-snippets clues-theme color-identifiers-mode color-theme-sanityinc-solarized ...)) configuration-layer//configure-packages((abbrev ac-ispell ace-jump-helm-line ace-link ace-window adaptive-wrap add-node-modules-path afternoon-theme ag aggressive-indent alchemist alect-themes alert all-the-icons ample-theme ample-zen-theme anaconda-mode ansi-colors anti-zenburn-theme apropospriate-theme archive-mode async auto-compile auto-complete auto-highlight-symbol auto-yasnippet avy badwolf-theme bind-key bind-map birds-of-paradise-plus-theme blacken bookmark bracketed-paste browse-at-remote browse-kill-ring bubbleberry-theme bundler busybee-theme cargo centered-cursor-mode cherry-blossom-theme chocolate-theme chruby cider cider-eval-sexp-fu clean-aindent-mode clj-refactor clojure-mode clojure-snippets ...)) configuration-layer//load() (cond (changed-since-last-dump-p (configuration-layer//load) (if (spacemacs/emacs-with-pdumper-set-p) (progn (configuration-layer/message "Layer list has changed since last dump.") (configuration-layer//dump-emacs)))) (spacemacs-force-dump (configuration-layer//load) (if (spacemacs/emacs-with-pdumper-set-p) (progn (configuration-layer/message (concat "--force-dump passed on the command line or configuration has " "been reloaded, forcing a redump.")) (configuration-layer//dump-emacs)))) ((spacemacs-is-dumping-p) (configuration-layer//load)) ((and (spacemacs/emacs-with-pdumper-set-p) (spacemacs-run-from-dump-p)) (configuration-layer/message "Running from a dumped file. Skipping the loading process!")) (t (configuration-layer//load) (if (spacemacs/emacs-with-pdumper-set-p) (progn (configuration-layer/message (concat "Layer list has not changed since last time. " "Skipping dumping process!")))))) configuration-layer/load() (let ((spacemacs-force-dump t)) (configuration-layer/load)) (progn (load-file buffer-file-name) (progn (if "Calling dotfile init..." (progn (spacemacs-buffer/message "Calling dotfile init..."))) (if (fboundp (quote dotspacemacs/init)) (progn (condition-case err (dotspacemacs/init) ((debug error) (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format "Error in %s: %s\n" ... ...) t)))))) (progn (if "Calling dotfile user init..." (progn (spacemacs-buffer/message "Calling dotfile user init..."))) (if (fboundp (quote dotspacemacs/user-init)) (progn (condition-case err (dotspacemacs/user-init) ((debug error) (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append (format "Error in %s: %s\n" ... ...) t)))))) (setq dotspacemacs-editing-style (dotspacemacs//read-editing-style-config dotspacemacs-editing-style)) (dotspacemacs/call-user-env) (let ((spacemacs-force-dump t)) (configuration-layer/load)) (if (member arg (quote ((4) (16)))) (message (concat "Done (`dotspacemacs/user-config' " "function has been skipped).")) (progn (if "Calling dotfile user config..." (progn (spacemacs-buffer/message "Calling dotfile user config..."))) (if (fboundp (quote dotspacemacs/user-config)) (progn (condition-case err (dotspacemacs/user-config) ((debug error) (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append ... t)))))) (run-hooks (quote spacemacs-post-user-config-hook)) (message "Done."))) (if tests-ok (progn (load-file buffer-file-name) (progn (if "Calling dotfile init..." (progn (spacemacs-buffer/message "Calling dotfile init..."))) (if (fboundp (quote dotspacemacs/init)) (progn (condition-case err (dotspacemacs/init) ((debug error) (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append ... t)))))) (progn (if "Calling dotfile user init..." (progn (spacemacs-buffer/message "Calling dotfile user init..."))) (if (fboundp (quote dotspacemacs/user-init)) (progn (condition-case err (dotspacemacs/user-init) ((debug error) (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append ... t)))))) (setq dotspacemacs-editing-style (dotspacemacs//read-editing-style-config dotspacemacs-editing-style)) (dotspacemacs/call-user-env) (let ((spacemacs-force-dump t)) (configuration-layer/load)) (if (member arg (quote ((4) (16)))) (message (concat "Done (`dotspacemacs/user-config' " "function has been skipped).")) (progn (if "Calling dotfile user config..." (progn (spacemacs-buffer/message "Calling dotfile user config..."))) (if (fboundp (quote dotspacemacs/user-config)) (progn (condition-case err (dotspacemacs/user-config) (... ... ...))))) (run-hooks (quote spacemacs-post-user-config-hook)) (message "Done."))) (switch-to-buffer-other-window dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Some tests failed, check `%s' buffer" dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer)) (let ((tests-ok (or (equal arg (quote (16))) (dotspacemacs/test-dotfile t)))) (if tests-ok (progn (load-file buffer-file-name) (progn (if "Calling dotfile init..." (progn (spacemacs-buffer/message "Calling dotfile init..."))) (if (fboundp (quote dotspacemacs/init)) (progn (condition-case err (dotspacemacs/init) (... ... ...))))) (progn (if "Calling dotfile user init..." (progn (spacemacs-buffer/message "Calling dotfile user init..."))) (if (fboundp (quote dotspacemacs/user-init)) (progn (condition-case err (dotspacemacs/user-init) (... ... ...))))) (setq dotspacemacs-editing-style (dotspacemacs//read-editing-style-config dotspacemacs-editing-style)) (dotspacemacs/call-user-env) (let ((spacemacs-force-dump t)) (configuration-layer/load)) (if (member arg (quote ((4) (16)))) (message (concat "Done (`dotspacemacs/user-config' " "function has been skipped).")) (progn (if "Calling dotfile user config..." (progn (spacemacs-buffer/message "Calling dotfile user config..."))) (if (fboundp (quote dotspacemacs/user-config)) (progn (condition-case err ... ...)))) (run-hooks (quote spacemacs-post-user-config-hook)) (message "Done."))) (switch-to-buffer-other-window dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Some tests failed, check `%s' buffer" dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer))) (let ((dotspacemacs-loading-progress-bar nil)) (setq spacemacs-loading-string "") (save-buffer) (let ((tests-ok (or (equal arg (quote (16))) (dotspacemacs/test-dotfile t)))) (if tests-ok (progn (load-file buffer-file-name) (progn (if "Calling dotfile init..." (progn (spacemacs-buffer/message "Calling dotfile init..."))) (if (fboundp (quote dotspacemacs/init)) (progn (condition-case err ... ...)))) (progn (if "Calling dotfile user init..." (progn (spacemacs-buffer/message "Calling dotfile user init..."))) (if (fboundp (quote dotspacemacs/user-init)) (progn (condition-case err ... ...)))) (setq dotspacemacs-editing-style (dotspacemacs//read-editing-style-config dotspacemacs-editing-style)) (dotspacemacs/call-user-env) (let ((spacemacs-force-dump t)) (configuration-layer/load)) (if (member arg (quote (... ...))) (message (concat "Done (`dotspacemacs/user-config' " "function has been skipped).")) (progn (if "Calling dotfile user config..." (progn ...)) (if (fboundp ...) (progn ...))) (run-hooks (quote spacemacs-post-user-config-hook)) (message "Done."))) (switch-to-buffer-other-window dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Some tests failed, check `%s' buffer" dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer)))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (find-file-noselect dotspacemacs-filepath)) (let ((dotspacemacs-loading-progress-bar nil)) (setq spacemacs-loading-string "") (save-buffer) (let ((tests-ok (or (equal arg (quote ...)) (dotspacemacs/test-dotfile t)))) (if tests-ok (progn (load-file buffer-file-name) (progn (if "Calling dotfile init..." (progn ...)) (if (fboundp ...) (progn ...))) (progn (if "Calling dotfile user init..." (progn ...)) (if (fboundp ...) (progn ...))) (setq dotspacemacs-editing-style (dotspacemacs//read-editing-style-config dotspacemacs-editing-style)) (dotspacemacs/call-user-env) (let ((spacemacs-force-dump t)) (configuration-layer/load)) (if (member arg (quote ...)) (message (concat "Done (`dotspacemacs/user-config' " "function has been skipped).")) (progn (if "Calling dotfile user config..." ...) (if ... ...)) (run-hooks (quote spacemacs-post-user-config-hook)) (message "Done."))) (switch-to-buffer-other-window dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Some tests failed, check `%s' buffer" dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer))))) (progn (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (find-file-noselect dotspacemacs-filepath)) (let ((dotspacemacs-loading-progress-bar nil)) (setq spacemacs-loading-string "") (save-buffer) (let ((tests-ok (or (equal arg ...) (dotspacemacs/test-dotfile t)))) (if tests-ok (progn (load-file buffer-file-name) (progn (if "Calling dotfile init..." ...) (if ... ...)) (progn (if "Calling dotfile user init..." ...) (if ... ...)) (setq dotspacemacs-editing-style (dotspacemacs//read-editing-style-config dotspacemacs-editing-style)) (dotspacemacs/call-user-env) (let (...) (configuration-layer/load)) (if (member arg ...) (message ...) (progn ... ...) (run-hooks ...) (message "Done."))) (switch-to-buffer-other-window dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Some tests failed, check `%s' buffer" dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer)))))) (if (file-exists-p dotspacemacs-filepath) (progn (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (find-file-noselect dotspacemacs-filepath)) (let ((dotspacemacs-loading-progress-bar nil)) (setq spacemacs-loading-string "") (save-buffer) (let ((tests-ok (or ... ...))) (if tests-ok (progn (load-file buffer-file-name) (progn ... ...) (progn ... ...) (setq dotspacemacs-editing-style ...) (dotspacemacs/call-user-env) (let ... ...) (if ... ... ... ... ...)) (switch-to-buffer-other-window dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Some tests failed, check `%s' buffer" dotspacemacs-test-results-buffer))))))) dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers(nil) funcall-interactively(dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers nil) call-interactively(dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers nil nil) command-execute(dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers) ```