I've also had this problem, but this related to the use of multiple computers and more than one OS that all needed some specific tweaks to be able to run. I'm also using org-babel for my init. A section from my init.org follows below (warning for wall of text). Maybe this relates to your thoughts and if so lets hope it adds some value. 8<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->8 ** Initialization *** Instructions To make literate programming work i need to first bootstrap these settings. I'm using this system on multiple machines and OS'es there are some other initializations that also has to be made. The initialization of the emacs-settings can be subdivided into two main parts: 1. Bootstraping org-mode literate programming. 2. Loading source-files: 1. OS-specific settings. 2. Loading computer-specific settings. 3. Loading the default settings. 4. Loading computer-specific settings that overrides default settings. This setup makes the system very dynamic, although it might become difficult to maintain... We'll see about that though. The code for the initialization follows in this file. It has to be manually folded, the first time run anyways. (Running C-c C-v t in the buffer whilst in emacs). *** Bootstraping The bootstraping of org-mode literate programing is taken from http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/intro.html#literate-programming, with some minor modicifations. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes (setq dotfiles-dir (file-name-directory (or (buffer-file-name) load-file-name))) (setq src-dir (expand-file-name "src" dotfiles-dir)) (setq org-dir (expand-file-name "lisp" (expand-file-name "org" src-dir))) (setq org-contrib-dir (expand-file-name "lisp" (expand-file-name "contrib" (expand-file-name ".." org-dir)))) (add-to-list 'load-path src-dir) (add-to-list 'load-path org-dir) (add-to-list 'load-path org-contrib-dir) (require 'org-install) (require 'ob-tangle) #+end_src After this, and given that i have org installed in the right folder given the above, code written inside org-mode documents can be called with the function =org-babel-load-file=. This is used in the next section, [[*Loading of settings][Loading of settings]]. *** Code tangling hook If any of the literate-files are updated, I want to automatically compile them when they are tangled the next time. This, however, does not work with symbolic links. Thus, my setup using Dropbox to sync the files between my computers and symbolically linking these files to my home-folders will not update automatically anyways. This is (kind of) solved, see the next section. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes (add-hook 'org-babel-post-tangle-hook (lambda () (progn (eval-buffer (get-file-buffer (buffer-file-name))) (byte-compile-file (buffer-file-name))))) #+end_src *** Code tangling function This is my temporary solution to the symbolic-link problem discussed in the section above. First the function delete all files that have been previously tangled. After that it tangles all ".org" files in the dotfiles-dir which also automatically compiles them due to the [[*Code%20tangling%20hook][Code tangling hook]]. This function can be called at any time. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes (defun gw/tangle () "Tangles all the org-files in ~/.emacs.d/ It is a help-function when one of the source-documents are updated in Dropbox and the local setup also needs to be updated." (interactive) (mapc (lambda (file) (delete-file (expand-file-name file dotfiles-dir))) (directory-files dotfiles-dir nil ".*\.\\(el\\|elc\\)$")) (mapc (lambda (file) (find-file (expand-file-name file dotfiles-dir)) (org-babel-tangle) (kill-buffer)) (directory-files dotfiles-dir nil ".*\.org$"))) #+end_src *** Loading of settings **** Introduction The loading process is one single step. It checks which OS is in use and then load the files given this system. Add files to the org-files list if more are needed. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes (let* ((org-files (list (expand-file-name "emacs.org" dotfiles-dir) (expand-file-name "custom_end.org" dotfiles-dir))) (windows-file (expand-file-name "windows.org" dotfiles-dir)) (linux-file (expand-file-name "linux.org" dotfiles-dir)) (custom-start (expand-file-name "custom_start.org" dotfiles-dir))) (cond ((eq system-type 'windows-nt) (if (file-exists-p windows-file) (mapc #'org-babel-load-file (cons windows-file (cons custom-start org-files))))) ((eq system-type 'gnu/linux) (if (file-exists-p linux-file) (mapc #'org-babel-load-file (cons linux-file (cons custom-start org-files))))))) #+end_src **** OS-specific settings As stated earlier, I run emacs on multiple systems and keep these settings synced between the platforms using Dropbox. I have machines running both Windows, Linux and Mac and these need some customizations in order to work correctly. The need for this methodology originally arose from problems with fileencoding on different systems, where I needed to use Latin-1 to load paths with non-ASCII characters on windows but wanted UTF-8 to be the default encoding when editing. A search on the Internet resulted in the following: - http://www.dotemacs.de/multiemacs.html - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1817257/how-to-determine-operating-system-in-elisp - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2382249/how-to-choose-system-type-in-emacs The settings for the respective systems can be found here: - [[file:windows.org][windows.org]] - [[file:linux.org][linux.org]] **** Main settings The main part of the customizations during the loading-process resides in [[file:emacs.org][emacs.org]]. **** Computer-specific settings The cumputer-specific settings are maintained by two configuration-files. One ([[file:custom_start.org][custom_start.org]]) that is loaded directly after the initialization and one that is loaded as a final stage ([[file:custom_end.org][custom_end.org]]). These files are supposed to be local to the machine they are on. [[file:custom_start.org][custom_start.org]] is mostly used to set system-paths and define system-specific functions. [[file:custom_end.org][custom_end.org]] is used to override the default settings made in either the OS-specific settings or the main settings. Make sure that the source-files uses the correct encoding, if the system is windows the fileencoding should be latin-1 and if the system is linux it should be utf-8. This can be set by adding the following string to the top of the document: : # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- At the very least one variables is needed in [[file:custom_start.org][ custom_start.org]] because of it's use later in the loading process: - gw/gtd-root 8<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->8 Kind regards Gustav On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 10:03 PM, Andrea Crotti wrote: > On 12/10/2011 06:31 PM, Andrea Crotti wrote: > > For quite a long time I had my emacs configuration in a big org-mode > > file (https://github.com/AndreaCrotti/Emacs-configuration). > > > > The file has is more than 3500 lines now, and I think the experiment has > > failed in a sense. The problem is that this even if this style is great > > to produce nice documents and add a lot of useful text, is quite bad to > > actually write modular code. > > > > I rely quite heavily on the order in which things are declared for > > example, instead of having different libraries to load. > > > > So I guess I will switch to a multiple files structure again, which is > > more "programmer friendly in a sense". > > Anyone else had similar experiences? > > It's quite a hard task to migrate more than 3500 lines :S > This little function is helping a lot, I replace all the :tangle yes > setting the right destination name for the given block, > so at least I do the first big transiction with org-babel.. > > (defun ca-replace-with-file (fname) > (interactive "sWith String:?\n") > (let ((fname (format "modules/ca-%s.el" fname))) > (query-replace ":tangle yes" (concat ":tangle " fname)) > )) > >