On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 7:45 PM, Marvin Doyley wrote: > For more clarification > Here is a simple test file [snip] I can't current reproduce. I don't use xelatex, so I did `tlmgr install xetex` and the same for `xetex-def`. I wasn't sure if Org would pick up to use xelatex or not, so I took your example, exported to PDF via `C-c C-e l P` (for LaTeX Beamer) and then opened a terminal and did `xelatex test.tex`, the file Org created from my test.org file containing your contents. I attached the result. Some observations: - I noticed your latex output has beamer using the split theme. Where is it picking that? - You have a line in your #+ headers: `#+BEAMER_HEADER: \input{header_beamer} \date{}`. I don't have that file so I'm not sure what it does. I just removed it. - Here is my .emacs Beamer setting (default from the Org 8.0 new Beamer Worg page): #+begin_src .emacs (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes '("beamer" "\\documentclass\[presentation\]\{beamer\}" ("\\section\{%s\}" . "\\section*\{%s\}") ("\\subsection\{%s\}" . "\\subsection*\{%s\}") ("\\subsubsection\{%s\}" . "\\subsubsection*\{%s\}"))) #+end_src Again, see if the attached looks reasonable. Feel free to tell me how to more properly export via xelatex if you want someone to try and reproduce. I'm just not familiar with it at all, so I wasn't really sure bit gave it the 'ole college try. John