I edited the subject to be more concise/clear. I let orgmode chug away on reading in some ~10-30mb csv files for nearly 30min. I finally gave up with Ctrl + g. Out of curiosity, I copied my babel block code (four simple lines in the form of `var <- read.csv("./file.csv", header = T, sep = ",")` into the ESS session already started by my first block execution, and it finished in less than 10 seconds. Something seems seriously wrong with however org + babel is executing. I'm suspicious of it printing the output to the minibuffer. I have about 200^2 - 400^2 lines in the csv files. Was shocked that I'd been waiting for org this whole time and could have just run the code in the ESS R session directly in a minuscule fraction of the time. I could post a reproducible csv file if others would like to try this? I tried the following to make sure it wasn't my setup: 1) from terminal: `emacs -Q --load=~/Desktop/basic-config`, where basic-config contains: ;; set load paths ;; set load dirs and global config options (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.elisp/site-lisp/") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.elisp/org.git/contrib/lisp/") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.elisp/org.git/lisp/") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.elisp/site-lisp/ess/lisp/") ;; setup org (require 'org-install) ;; setup babel languages (require 'ess-site) (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((R . t))) 2) Created a simple org file: ---------- * headline #+begin_src R :session r :results silent data <- read.csv("/media/vault/misc/benefit-plan-analysis/2012/contour_table.csv") #+end_src ---------- 3) Run =C-c C-c YES RET= on block 4) Change to R session and enter the same line manually. The results are unbelievably different. I didn't let the org session finish as once it took longer than 30sec I figured I'd get the same results as with my actual file in this example. Changing to the R session and it was done in less than 5sec with a ~70mb csv. Any suggestions on troubleshooting this? Best regards, John On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:46 AM, John Hendy wrote: > I'm working with a large dataset. I try to minimize overhead by doing > some bigger data rearranging and calculations in a single block that I > execute once per session and then switch :eval to "no." > > This block is set with :results silent, but I know with this option > the results are still printed to the minibuffer. Usually this isn't a > problem, but I've had some hangs with emacs and started wondering if > this could be due to Orgmode regurgitating the results. Could this be > the case? If so, could Org be made to stop this behavior? > > If I accidentally type the name of a data frame in the R session > buffer, even when I use C-c C-c to stop the print out, it still takes > quite a while to catch up and stop itself. It made me wonder if trying > to print all of those results is increasing my compilation times > unnecessarily. > > > Thanks for any thoughts, > John >