On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaziou@gmail.com> wrote:

John Hendy <jw.hendy@gmail.com> writes:

>> One workaround would be to remove "$" as a math delimiter from
>> `org-format-latex-options'.

> How about another idea... would it be possible to remove "\$" as a math
> delimiter? I *do* use $math$ a bit, at least in this document, and have
> =TeX:t and LaTeX:t= in my options... thus, I'm very careful about prefixing
> "\" to any instances of $ and %. Removing \$ as a math delimiter or making
> "\" register as the "universal escape character" would also do the trick.
> If I removed $ as you suggest, could I use \begin{math}/\end{math} inline?
> I have quite a bit of inline math.

You can already use \(inline math\). I don't think there is
a need for extra syntax.

Ah. Neat. I was unaware of this. That should do it. I'd still kind of prefer not to have to tweak around with stuff. Given that special combinations of "\" + "char" are LaTeX specific, it would seem that a natural combination would be to activate such combinations when LaTeX:t is used in #+options.

Your solution will work for me for now.

Thanks for the assistance!


Nicolas Goaziou