Hello, I'm making the first beamer presentation in a while in which I've used columns, and had to refresh myself on the syntax. I originally referred to the original (legacy) beamer docs here simply due to it being the first hit on my google search: - http://orgmode.org/worg/exporters/beamer/tutorial.html It states that =C-c C-b= will prompt for beamer specific headlines; this does not appear to work with the new ox-beamer export engine. I see the command is =org-beamer-select-environment=. Did this get mapped to something else now? That alerted me to the fact that the doc was outdated, and I referred to the new export engine page on Worg here: - http://orgmode.org/worg/exporters/beamer/ox-beamer.html The section on special environment states: #+begin_quote Environments can be put in a column by setting the BEAMER_col property on a headline. It accepts decimal point numbers which is interpreted as a fraction of the text width. If the beadline does not have an enviroment the headline text is ignored and all the contents are put inside the column environment. #+end_quote I noted that B_col creates some sort of special fontification (see attached screenshot), but does not create columns. =beamer_col= *does* work, but is not syntax highlighted as special in any way. Is this intended, or just a by-product of older code lying around? I don't really need the boxes around the syntax, but it was a little confusing as I thought "Oh, I guessed a property correctly!" But I hadn't... Thanks! John