I'm transitioning from a web-based to-do list, and one thing I rely on is viewing recently CREATED or CLOSED tasks, e.g. within the last 2 days. My hope is to recreate this with a custom agenda view, but I haven't been able to find the correct commands/filters. Keeping in mind I'm new to Emacs/Lisp/OrgMode, here's what I've tried so far (for just the CLOSED example): This doesn't work because tags-todo excludes 'DONE' status tasks: (add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands '("J" "Completed Recently" tags-todo "CLOSED>=\"<-2d>\"")) This doesn't work because the org-agenda-tag-filter-preset only works for tags: (add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands '("J" "Completed Recently" todo "DONE" ((org-agenda-tag-filter-preset '("+CLOSED>=\"<-2d>\""))))) Regarding the desired CREATED agenda view, I use a script to add a CREATED timestamp as property to each task (see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12262220/add-created-date-property-to-todos-in-org-mode ), so a task will look something like this: TODO New task for today :PROPERTIES: :CREATED: [2015-04-13 Mon 17:57] :END: There is no agenda filtering preset options for Properties (only tags/category/regexp), which is the only way I could think of to do the necessary date comparisons (e.g. <-2d>). The task seems simple, so I'm hopeful I'm overlooking some way of accomplishing it.