Remove the -it options, which I believe you don't need for executing a simple command like pwd.

(-it is what you use to execute a shell or other interactive command in a container, and requires there to be a tty.)

Best wishes - Neil

On 19 December 2017 12:59:19 GMT+00:00, "" <> wrote:
Here is my example:

#+NAME: get-container-name
#+begin_src shell :results output
echo $(docker ps --format="{{.Names}}")

#+RESULTS: get-container-name
: elastic_thompson

#+begin_src shell :var container_name=get-container-name :noweb yes
docker exec -it $container_name pwd
# docker exec -it <<get-container-name>> pwd


But I got error:

the input device is not a TTY

[stardiviner]           <Hack this world!>      GPG key ID: 47C32433
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