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On Dec 21, 2022, at 10:43 AM, Galaxy Being <> wrote:

Don't know why, but in my "spare time" I snoop around Babel. So I've revisited Groovy in Babel and have found a bizarre situation where, yes, there appears an ob-groovy.el in my ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.6/ , but I have to do a specific load-file to get it seen and functioning. And no, it's not because of a naming issue in my 

     (quote org-babel-load-languages)
     (quote ((emacs-lisp . t)
                  (groovy . t)

form. I've renamed it apache-groovy and it errored out specifically not finding ob-groovy.el. But again, if I don't specifically load the org-9.6 ob-groovy.el, I get "can't find program groovy" upon block C-c C-c.

I don’t manually load it. Can you share your setup details? I will try to recreate that on my machine. 


Lawrence Bottorff
Grand Marais, MN, USA