On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 12:50 AM, Niels Giesen <niels.giesen@gmail.com> wrote:
Greg Troxel <gdt@ir.bbn.com> writes:

> Ghanashyam <mail.ghanashyam.prabhu@gmail.com> writes:
>> I have had a problem with the org mode calendar export with emacs.
>> It looks like org mode uses some uid generation exe which
>> generates non unique UIDs. I am not sure why this is to. Even when I
>> set the UID format to include the date format. Because of this, the ics
>> file import into google calendar or a thunderbird import fails to import all
>> tasks that were reported as Scheduled in the org mode document.
>> Anyone with similar experiences.? I put this up on stack overflow but
>> there was no response.
> I'm haing the inverse problem, but I hadn't tracked it down enough to
> post.   I find that after importing into Apple iCal (mac 10.6), and
> doing another import, I end up with two events.


Org-mode UIDs are ignored if they are for entries with diary sexps, as
calendar.el creates its own ids for them. This may be the cause for
double entries when you export your org file & import the ical file
multiple times and you use diary sexps.

A while ago I submitted some patches, one to calendar.el and one to
org-icalendar.el, that - besides adding export of diary-float sexps -
fixed this (i.e. org-icalendar puts a UID text-property on the entry,
picked up by calendar.el when creating the ical entries).

The patches to calendar.el were applied, but I believe the one to
org-icalendar.el should still be applied. However, I believe Bastien has
had little time lately, or maybe he's forgotten or overseen that those
patches to Emacs have already been applied. I put Bastien in the CC of
this mail, just as a reminder.

http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-02/msg00668.html if
you want to try out the UID patch to org-icalendar.el. Note that you
also need a recent development Emacs (from bazaar, later than april 27th
2011) to have the other patches applied as well.


Above story aside, no entry should be without UID, and I think a
non-unique UID is highly improbable. Did you
check inside the ical file to see whether the entries you talk about
were eported at all? If I create a simple test file, e.g.

#+begin_src org
* test
 SCHEDULED: <2011-05-19 Thu 11:00>

... and call C-c C-e i this entry does not get exported, but this entry would:

#+begin_src org
* test2
 <2011-05-19 Thu 12:00>

i.e., SCHEDULED entries aren't exported, while others are, but this does
not seem to have anything to do with UIDs.


I check the ics file and I can perfectly see that the UIDs were replicated.(exactly same). Also all my events were scheduled but there is one parameter which said, SCHEDULED or unSCHEDULED, you export events.

Its not about being exported or missing in export. The problem is the ics file has all the entries but multiple entries have the same UID which is my issue.


