From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: =?Windows-1252?Q?Vincent_Bela=EFche?= Subject: =?UTF-8?B?aW5mbyBVUkwgwqsgb3BlbiBhdCBwb2ludCDCuyBwYXRjaA==?= Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2018 06:57:53 +0000 Message-ID: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="_004_AM6PR10MB1957E6380267C6C437E77D19844B0AM6PR10MB1957EURP_" Return-path: Content-Language: fr-FR List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: Sender: "Emacs-devel" To: EMACS devel list , "" List-Id: --_004_AM6PR10MB1957E6380267C6C437E77D19844B0AM6PR10MB1957EURP_ Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_AM6PR10MB1957E6380267C6C437E77D19844B0AM6PR10MB1957EURP_" --_000_AM6PR10MB1957E6380267C6C437E77D19844B0AM6PR10MB1957EURP_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Bonjour tout l'monde ! I am writing to both Emacs-devel and org-mode list because this concerns browsing URL, and Org-mode already has quite some stuff on this. Recently I came across this that in an Info file a =AB file: =BB protocol URL is not opened at point. Please find attached a patch to make it known to the Emacs info browser. My point was that I have some manual that are only in HTML or PDF, like the SVN manual, In have a local copy, and I want to find it through a manual index that I written in Texinfo to get an info node with this index. I suspect that some other people than me may have the same need, and as such the patch is useful. If everybody agrees with the attached patch I can commit/push it on the master branch. Now, maybe it is the time to reconsider how the info browser consider URL's, maybe there is some code factorization to do with org-mode, in order to accept a wider range of variety of URL's. Org-mode is good at that, and that is why I am having its forum in the loop of this discussion. For instance, I remember that at some point of time at my job I was handling some requirements with IBM-Doors (it was a long time ago, and that SW was named Telelogic-Doors at that time). I had a few org-mode files with custom URL's pointing at Doors objects, and that was quite useful to me to be able to keep in my TODO lists, and other Org-mode stuff direct links to these objects. I suspect that some people may have the same need with Texinfo documents when they want to use custom URL's=85 Vincent. --_000_AM6PR10MB1957E6380267C6C437E77D19844B0AM6PR10MB1957EURP_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Bonjour tout l'monde !
I am writing to both Emacs-devel and org-mode list because this concer= ns
browsing URL, and Org-mode already has quite some stuff on this.
Recently I came across this that in an Info file a =AB file: = ;=BB protocol
URL is not opened at point. Please find attached a patch to make it
known to the Emacs info browser.
My point was that I have some manual that are only in HTML or PDF, lik= e
the SVN manual, In have a local copy, and I want to find it through a
manual index that I written in Texinfo to get an info node with this
I suspect that some other people than me may have the same need, and a= s
such the patch is useful. If everybody agrees with the attached patch I
can commit/push it on the master branch.

Now, maybe it is the time to reconsider how the info browser consider
URL's, maybe there is some code factorization to do with org-mode, in
order to accept a wider range of variety of URL's. Org-mode is good at
that, and that is why I am having its forum in the loop of this
For instance, I remember that at some point of time at my job I was handling some requirements with IBM-Doors (it was a long time ago, and
that SW was named Telelogic-Doors at that time). I had a few org-mode
files with custom URL's pointing at Doors objects, and that was quite
useful to me to be able to keep in my TODO lists, and other Org-mode
stuff direct links to these objects. I suspect that some people may have the same need with Texinfo documents when they want to use custom URL's=85<= /div>
--_000_AM6PR10MB1957E6380267C6C437E77D19844B0AM6PR10MB1957EURP_-- --_004_AM6PR10MB1957E6380267C6C437E77D19844B0AM6PR10MB1957EURP_ Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="info-patch.diff" Content-Description: info-patch.diff Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="info-patch.diff"; size=629; creation-date="Sun, 24 Jun 2018 06:42:50 GMT"; modification-date="Sun, 24 Jun 2018 06:42:50 GMT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 ZGlmZiAtLWdpdCBhL2xpc3AvaW5mby5lbCBiL2xpc3AvaW5mby5lbAppbmRleCBjNDViN2Y5Y2Iz Li5hYjJjNTFkODRiIDEwMDY0NAotLS0gYS9saXNwL2luZm8uZWwKKysrIGIvbGlzcC9pbmZvLmVs CkBAIC0zOTM4LDggKzM5MzgsOCBAQCBJbmZvLXRyeS1mb2xsb3ctbmVhcmVzdC1ub2RlCiBJZiBG T1JLIGlzIG5vbi1uaWwsIGl0IGlzIHBhc3NlZCB0byBgSW5mby1nb3RvLW5vZGUnLiIKICAgKGxl dCAobm9kZSkKICAgICAoY29uZAotICAgICAoKHNldHEgbm9kZSAoSW5mby1nZXQtdG9rZW4gKHBv aW50KSAiW2hmXXQ/dHBzPzovLyIKLQkJCQkgIlxcKFtoZl10P3Rwcz86Ly9bXiBcdFxuXCJg4oCY KHs8Pn0p4oCZJ10rXFwpIikpCisgICAgICgoc2V0cSBub2RlIChJbmZvLWdldC10b2tlbiAocG9p bnQpICJcXCg/OmZcXCg/OmlsZVxcfHRwXFwpXFx8aHR0cHM/XFwpOi8vIgorCQkJCSAiXFwoXFwo PzpmXFwoPzppbGVcXHx0cFxcKVxcfGh0dHBzP1xcKTovL1teIFx0XG5cImDigJgoezw+fSnigJkn XStcXCkiKSkKICAgICAgIChicm93c2UtdXJsIG5vZGUpCiAgICAgICAoc2V0cSBub2RlIHQpKQog ICAgICAoKHNldHEgbm9kZSAoSW5mby1nZXQtdG9rZW4gKHBvaW50KSAiXFwqbm90ZVsgXG5cdF0r Igo= --_004_AM6PR10MB1957E6380267C6C437E77D19844B0AM6PR10MB1957EURP_--