Hi, I would like to output multiple variables from an octave program. When I evaluate: #+srcname: test.m #+begin_src octave clear variables x=5.1; y=3*x; sprintf('x=%.1f',x) sprintf('y=%.1f',y) #+end_src I get #+results: test.m : y=15.3 Is there a way to get multiple variables output, other than something like: #+srcname: test.m #+begin_src octave clear variables x=5.1; y=3*x; sprintf('x=%.1f,\n y=%.1f',x,y) #+end_src #+results: test.m : x=5.1, y=15.3 which starts to get unwieldy for a larger number of variables. I am using the org-mode from git in Emacs 23.1. Thanks for any help. RC