Sometimes, I have used outliners, like ThinkTank, to organize my
thoughts, and reorganize the structure of a document of whatever kind.  
I don't need headings or sectioning in some cases.

I have not found a way to exclude heading lines from 
LaTeX output in Orgmode, nor have I found a
tag to say, "omit this headline."  I do see the variables
org-export-exclude-tags, and org-export-select tags; as well as an
option to include a specific number of headings as LaTeX sections.  In
the later case, other  headings are exported as plain list items, not
what I have in mind.

A related issue perhaps: what would it take to export, say list items,
as "paragraph" and "subparagraph" sections in LaTeX.

The ability to export a pdf almost automatically through LaTeX, even
with images, is magical.  Many thanks for this.

Alan Davis