Hi, I'm trying to setup capture for the first time and am getting some odd behavior. I've been following the manual and my .emacs has this: ,----- | ;; capture | (setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "~/org/2011-02Feb.org" "Tracking")) | (global-set-key "\C-cc" 'org-capture) | (setq org-capture-templates | '(("t" "todo" entry (file+headline "~/org/2011-02Feb.org" "Tracking") | "* TODO %?\n"))) | (define-key global-map "\C-c c" | (lambda () (interactive) (org-capture "t"))) `----- My questions/issues: 1) The biggest is that when I capture and then use C-c C-c to file it, I'm getting odd headline behavior. My file structure is like so: ,----- | ~/org/2011-02Feb.org `----- | #+ setupfile: ~/path/to/setupfile.org | * Tracking | ** TODO stuff | ** TODO more stuff | ** TODO even more stuff | * [date] | ** Notes | * [date] | ** Notes `----- In other words, I have a file per month and one headline per day with my work notes. When I use capture, I get this when I visit the file next: ,----- | * Tracking | ** TODO stuff | ** TODO more stuff | ** TODO even more stuff | ** TODO the captured note...* [date] | ... `----- So it's like the captured note gets inserted before a different headline for some reason. I can't expand the captured TODO, but if I highlight the date and expand it, then it rights itself and the * [date] that's appended to the captured TODO goes back to being a first level headline and the capture TODO is on a line by itself. Why might this be happening? 2) The manual suggests some methods of automatically setting the capture target when using templates. My files are always "year-##Month.org" (like 2011-02Feb.org). Could I set this somehow to automatically cycle based on the date? I don't know what "handles" I have at my disposal with eslisp to do something like that. 3) The manual suggestion of using: ,----- | (define-key global-map "\C-c c" | (lambda () (interactive) (org-capture "t"))) `----- does not seem to be working. I still have to pick [t] when the capture template window pops up. I won't really use capture for anything else besides refilling todos and starting a clock since I only am ever using one file rather (since it's time based note-taking vs. having a file per project/customer/etc.). As this is the case, yes, I would love if C-c c automatically just brought up the TODO template I have defined above. Many thanks, John