Hello Guys, I'm still learning how to correctly configure orgmode. One of the items is ditaa usage. I have the following in my org file. #+begin_src ditaa :file task_states.png :cmdline -r -s 0.8 +--------+ +---------+ +--------+ | | | | | | +--+ TODO +------>+ NEXT +------>+ DONE | | | cRED | | cBLU | | cGRE | | +--+-+---+ +--+---+--+ +--------+ #+end_src #+results: file:task_states.png init.el contains reference to ditaa library. (setq org-ditaa-jar-path "~/lib/ditaa0_9.jar") Could you please tell me what else do I need to configure in order to have graphics in result of exporting the file into HTML? Thank you, Juri.