Bastien writes: > Hi Dan, > > Dan Davison writes: > >> Incidentally, I would suggest that org-current-export-file and >> org-current-export-dir are renamed so that they are within the >> org-export-* namespace. > > Agreed. Please provide a patch if you have time. OK. > >> There are other areas of Org where I think the >> naming should be standardised, notably in org-src.el: the distinction >> between org-src-* and org-edit-src-* is unclear IMO. > > I leave this decision to Erik, this is *his* namespace :) I'm not sure this is Eric's task, git blame lisp/org-src.el | cut -d' ' -f 3 | sort | uniq -c 352 Davison 434 Dominik 3 Guerry 9 Rooke 9 Schulte 5 Sperber but Carsten may have a view. I also want to change the customize group of a lot of those variables: a lot of the org-src-* and org-edit-src-* variables are filed in Customize under Org Structure -> Org Edit Structure which has to be one of the least intuitive things in the whole of Org! There's a question of whether we have an Org Src customize group in addition to the Babel customize group, and how we keep them distinct. In fact, that may be what has prevented this from being sorted out thus far. Dan > >> I think this is >> kind of important, because in learning emacs one does makes use of these >> namespace conventions, e.g. C-h v TAB. > > I agree. > >> How much change >> would there be if we demanded that *all* variables defined in org-foo.el >> are named within the org-foo-* namespace? > > I don't know. Let's undertake this work progressively.