Dear all, I'm trying to define a variable, to let org-mode know different path to use when I'm under different system (Windows or Mac), but got trouble to get it work. Here is the Code: ---- (defconst lch-win32-p (eq system-type 'windows-nt) "Are we on Windows?") (defconst lch-mac-p (eq system-type 'darwin) "Are we on Mac") (if lch-mac-p (defvar org-source-dir "~/Dropbox/org/org" "org source dir")) ;For under windows, it should be My Dropbox... (setq org-publish-project-alist '( ("org-notes" *:base-directory org-source-dir*))) ---- Apparently, this doesn't work, since the variable org-source-dir will not be evaluated inside the quote, but I really didn't find out how to make it evaled... Does anyone has any hints? Thanks a lot. Chao