thanks. also, when trying to detangle my code, i found another bug. In the functions org-babel-tangle-jump-to--org and org-babel-detangle, it uses org-bracket-link-analytic-regexp to search for the [[file:]] links. However, it does not include the comment in the regex (";;" in clojure), so somehow [[name val]] in my code is matched as a link, and then it fails to detangle. Also, related, it doesnt include the comment in the regex to find the end of the block, it just does (concat " " (regexp-quote block-name) " ends here"). Since i only want to detangle clojure code, i simply put this in my .emacs file to fix it (setq org-bracket-link-analytic-regexp (concat ";;[ ]*" "\\[\\[" "\\(\\(" (mapconcat 'regexp-quote org-link-types "\\|") "\\):\\)?" "\\([^]]+\\)" "\\]" "\\(\\[" "\\([^]]+\\)" "\\]\\)?" "\\]" )) I suppose one would have to customize the first two comments per language.