Hi all,
I'm just getting into orgmode, and I'm finding it quite a revelation.  Compliments to all its developers.
I have thought of a couple of ideas.  I wanted to bounce them off the community before thinking about trying to implement them myself (I used to be pretty good with lisp, a thousand years ago).

1. A bit more structure to page layout.
In particular I was thinking of this:
a. one file per day
b. date and journal name at top
c. a right "sidebar" of sorts that contains tags, dates, etc for the item to its left.  This amounts to basically a tabular page arrangement, and each "item" gets a row.

2. A vi-esque data entry mode
No offence, but I've always found emacs-y key bindings to be incredibly unintuitive compared to, say, vi/vim.
The idea would be to rebind all keys on top of something like, but not necessarily identical to, vi-mode.
I find that there are two "thinking styles" when I'm using org-mode: organizing and gathering.  When "gathering," I'm mostly in emacs mode cuz it's mostly entering data with little editing except for corrections to spelling etc.  When "organizing," I'm doing little data entry, and mostly moving stuff around, adding dates, changing task status etc.
In organizing mode, it's a pain for me to do the Cu-Cc-Cwhatever thing, so I think it could be useful to people to have a choice of having a simpler keystroke set available.

Comments?  Ideas?  Wild, hysterical laughter?


Filippo A. Salustri, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Ryerson University
350 Victoria St, Toronto, ON
M5B 2K3, Canada
Tel: 416/979-5000 ext 7749
Fax: 416/979-5265
Email: salustri@ryerson.ca