Whoops, C-w is close-buffer; save is C-s.

Other keys that have moved:

C-space to M-space
C-n to M-k
C-p to M-i
C-f to M-l (lowercase L)
C-b to M-j
C-s to M-; (M-; to M-')
C-r to M-S-;

These seem reasonable, though radically different from what an Emacs user is used to... but for someone new to Emacs, they are much better than the Emacs defaults, in my opinion. My fingers will need some retraining, though :)


On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 9:07 AM, Don Womick <don.womick@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I've just found ErgoEmacs (http://ergoemacs.org), another Emacs distribution for Windows that tries to make Emacs easy to use for ordinary users... and it does so: I was able to use it immediately, with all the standard Windows shortcuts--the only things that tripped me up briefly were the file commands (C-xf moved to C-o and C-xw moved to C-w), and that they moved M-x to M-a (M-x now cuts the entire line). This looks like a distro that might ease the learning curve enough to drive more widespread adoption of Emacs (and org-mode!): it really does seem to be as easy to use as Notepad right out of the box, yet doesn't take away any of the power of Emacs (as far as I can tell, except that I did have to load an org-mode file before capture would work, but that may be a setup problem on my part). If you're on Windows, take a look and see what you think... and for org newbies on win32, I think this is the version I would recommend.
