Hi Jordi, we do seem to be having a slowness issue with the Dropbox API.   I'm working with the Dropbox developers to see what could be causing that.   I usually split large projects into their own files,  you can configure which files get considered for the agenda by examining this section of the org-mode manual for MobileOrg: 



On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 4:41 AM, Jordi Inglada <jordi.inglada@cesbio.cnes.fr> wrote:
Hi all,

I am learning to use Mobileorg for Android these days. I find the
application extremely useful.

I am using Dropbox as a staging area and everything works
(push/pull). However, I have an annoying behavior: the synchronization
is *very* slow (up to several hours!).

I was wondering if this can be due to the size of the org files and
the number of nested outline levels. For example, my work.org file has
over 10,000 lines.

Does anybody have any similar experience about this?

Any guidelines on the way of splitting large files?

A way of not pushing all the agenda files to the staging area?

Thank you very much.


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