hi. I have wrote an elisp code for org-mode, which puts entries in a table.
It is a simple code in my opinion and it does the job I intended. But when executed, the activation of CPU shoots up and it will take a while to complete it.  I do not believe that this little code requires such a work-load for the computer.  There must be my wrong-doing.

Could anyone help me for fixing it?


P.S. the code follows, and there is "word" in the table so that "search" command looks for it.
(require 'org-table)
(setq alist (list "apple" "orange" "lemon" "baseball" "football"))
(defun test-table (word-list)
  "test to see if org-table-put works well"
  (find-file-noselect (concat "~/Dropbox/language/word.org"))
  (set-buffer "word.org")
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (search-forward "word")
    (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
    (let ((i 1))
      (while word-list
(org-table-put i 3 (nth (- i 1) word-list) t)
(setq i (1+ i))))))
(test-table alist) ;;execute it here