Hi i just noticed that variables are assigned in the top of the exported code. That can be problematic in some situations: #+source: the_test #+begin_src python :var x=3 :tangle test.py :results output from __future__ import division print x #+end_src tangling results in: x=3 from __future__ import division print x The problem with the result is simple: SyntaxError: from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning of the file To export this correctly I'd need the possibility to tell org-mode where the variables are supposed to be inserted. Is there a way to do this? I didn't find a keyword for this in the documentation. A second problem I have at the moment lies with the execution of source-blocks in tables. What I'd like to do: | argument | result | | 1 | #ERROR | | | | #+TBLFM: $2=call_the_test(x=$<) I guess I'm just doing something wrong here. Executing the #+Tblfm results in the error: "reference $< not found in buffer". How do I do the reference correctly in this case? You can test both cases in the attached org-file.