;;; ob-sql.el --- Babel Functions for SQL -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2009-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Eric Schulte ;; Maintainer: Daniel Kraus ;; Maintainer: Philippe Estival ;; Keywords: literate programming, reproducible research ;; URL: https://orgmode.org ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Org-Babel support for evaluating sql source code. ;; (see also ob-sqlite.el) ;; ;; SQL is somewhat unique in that there are many different engines for ;; the evaluation of sql (Mysql, PostgreSQL, etc...), so much of this ;; file will have to be implemented engine by engine. ;; ;; Also SQL evaluation generally takes place inside of a database. ;; ;; Header args used: ;; - engine ;; - cmdline ;; - dbhost ;; - dbport ;; - dbuser ;; - dbpassword ;; - dbconnection (to reference connections in sql-connection-alist) ;; - dbinstance (currently only used by SAP HANA) ;; - database ;; - colnames (default, nil, means "yes") ;; - result-params ;; - out-file ;; - session ;; ;; The following are used but not really implemented for SQL: ;; - colname-names ;; - rownames ;; - rowname-names ;; ;; Engines supported: ;; - mysql ;; - sqlite3 ;; - dbi ;; - mssql ;; - sqsh ;; - postgresql (postgres) ;; - oracle ;; - vertica ;; - saphana ;; ;; Limitation: ;; - no error line number in session mode ;; ;; TODO: ;; - support for more engines ;; - what's a reasonable way to drop table data into SQL? ;; - babel tables as input ;;; Code: (require 'org-macs) (org-assert-version) (require 'ob) (require 'sql) (defvar sql-connection-alist) (defvar ob-sql-session--batch-end-indicator "---#" "Indicate the end of a command batch.") (defvar ob-sql-session-command-terminated nil) (defvar org-babel-sql-out-file) (defvar org-babel-sql-session-start-time) (sql-set-product-feature 'sqlite :prompt-regexp "sqlite> ") (sql-set-product-feature 'sqlite :batch-terminate (format ".print %s\n" ob-sql-session--batch-end-indicator)) (sql-set-product-feature 'sqlite :terminal-command "\\.") (sql-set-product-feature 'postgres :prompt-regexp "SQL> ") (sql-set-product-feature 'postgres :prompt-cont-regexp "> ") (sql-set-product-feature 'postgres :batch-terminate (format "\\echo %s\n" ob-sql-session--batch-end-indicator)) (sql-set-product-feature 'postgres :terminal-command "\\\\") (sql-set-product-feature 'postgres :environment '(("PGPASSWORD" sql-password))) (sql-set-product-feature 'postgres :sqli-options (list "--set=ON_ERROR_STOP=1" (format "--set=PROMPT1=%s" (sql-get-product-feature 'postgres :prompt-regexp )) (format "--set=PROMPT2=%s" (sql-get-product-feature 'postgres :prompt-cont-regexp )) "-P" "pager=off" "-P" "footer=off" "-A" )) (declare-function org-table-import "org-table" (file arg)) (declare-function orgtbl-to-csv "org-table" (table params)) (declare-function org-table-to-lisp "org-table" (&optional txt)) (declare-function cygwin-convert-file-name-to-windows "cygw32.c" (file &optional absolute-p)) (declare-function sql-set-product "sql" (product)) (defcustom org-babel-default-header-args:sql '((:engine . "unset")) "Default header args." :type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type string :options ("dbi" "sqlite" "mysql" "postgres" "sqsh" "mssql" "vertica" "oracle" "saphana" )) :group 'org-babel-sql :safe t) (defcustom org-babel-sql-run-comint-p 'nil "Run non-session SQL commands through comoint (or command line if nil)." :type '(boolean) :group 'org-babel-sql :safe t) (defcustom org-babel-sql-timeout '5.0 "Abort on timeout." :type '(number) :group 'org-babel-sql :safe t) (defcustom org-babel-sql-close-out-temp-buffer-p 'nil "Close sql-out-temp buffer." :type '(boolean) :group 'org-babel-sql :safe t) (defconst org-babel-header-args:sql '((engine . :any) (out-file . :any) (dbhost . :any) (dbport . :any) (dbuser . :any) (dbpassword . :any) (dbinstance . :any) (database . :any)) "SQL-specific header arguments.") (defun org-babel-expand-body:sql (body params) "Expand BODY according to the values of PARAMS." (let ((prologue (cdr (assq :prologue params))) (epilogue (cdr (assq :epilogue params)))) (mapconcat 'identity (delq nil (list prologue (org-babel-sql-expand-vars body (org-babel--get-vars params)) epilogue)) "\n"))) (defun org-babel-edit-prep:sql (info) "Set `sql-product' in Org edit buffer. Set `sql-product' in Org edit buffer according to the corresponding :engine source block header argument." (let ((product (cdr (assq :engine (nth 2 info))))) (sql-set-product product))) (defun org-babel-sql-dbstring-mysql (host port user password database) "Make MySQL cmd line args for database connection. Pass nil to omit that arg." (mapconcat #'identity (delq nil (list (when host (concat "-h" (shell-quote-argument host))) (when port (format "-P%d" port)) (when user (concat "-u" (shell-quote-argument user))) (when password (concat "-p" (shell-quote-argument password))) (when database (concat "-D" (shell-quote-argument database))))) " ")) (defun org-babel-sql-dbstring-postgresql (host port user database) "Make PostgreSQL command line args for database connection. Pass nil to omit that arg." (mapconcat #'identity (delq nil (list (when host (concat "-h" (shell-quote-argument host))) (when port (format "-p%d" port)) (when user (concat "-U" (shell-quote-argument user))) (when database (concat "-d" (shell-quote-argument database))))) " ")) (defun org-babel-sql-dbstring-oracle (host port user password database) "Make Oracle command line arguments for database connection. If HOST and PORT are nil then don't pass them. This allows you to use names defined in your \"TNSNAMES\" file. So you can connect with /@:/ or /@ using its alias." (when user (setq user (shell-quote-argument user))) (when password (setq password (shell-quote-argument password))) (when database (setq database (shell-quote-argument database))) (when host (setq host (shell-quote-argument host))) (cond ((and user password database host port) (format "%s/%s@%s:%d/%s" user password host port database)) ((and user password database) (format "%s/%s@%s" user password database)) (t (user-error "Missing information to connect to database")))) (defun org-babel-sql-dbstring-mssql (host user password database) "Make sqlcmd command line args for database connection. `sqlcmd' is the preferred command line tool to access Microsoft SQL Server on Windows and Linux platform." (mapconcat #'identity (delq nil (list (when host (format "-S \"%s\"" (shell-quote-argument host))) (when user (format "-U \"%s\"" (shell-quote-argument user))) (when password (format "-P \"%s\"" (shell-quote-argument password))) (when database (format "-d \"%s\"" (shell-quote-argument database))))) " ")) (defun org-babel-sql-dbstring-sqsh (host user password database) "Make sqsh command line args for database connection. \"sqsh\" is one method to access Sybase or MS SQL via Linux platform" (mapconcat #'identity (delq nil (list (when host (format "-S \"%s\"" (shell-quote-argument host))) (when user (format "-U \"%s\"" (shell-quote-argument user))) (when password (format "-P \"%s\"" (shell-quote-argument password))) (when database (format "-D \"%s\"" (shell-quote-argument database))))) " ")) (defun org-babel-sql-dbstring-vertica (host port user password database) "Make Vertica command line args for database connection. Pass nil to omit that arg." (mapconcat #'identity (delq nil (list (when host (format "-h %s" (shell-quote-argument host))) (when port (format "-p %d" port)) (when user (format "-U %s" (shell-quote-argument user))) (when password (format "-w %s" (shell-quote-argument password) )) (when database (format "-d %s" (shell-quote-argument database))))) " ")) (defun org-babel-sql-dbstring-saphana (host port instance user password database) "Make SAP HANA command line args for database connection. Pass nil to omit that arg." (mapconcat #'identity (delq nil (list (and host port (format "-n %s:%s" (shell-quote-argument host) port)) (and host (not port) (format "-n %s" (shell-quote-argument host))) (and instance (format "-i %d" instance)) (and user (format "-u %s" (shell-quote-argument user))) (and password (format "-p %s" (shell-quote-argument password))) (and database (format "-d %s" (shell-quote-argument database))))) " ")) (defun org-babel-sql-convert-standard-filename (file) "Convert FILE to OS standard file name. If in Cygwin environment, uses Cygwin specific function to convert the file name. In a Windows-NT environment, do nothing. Otherwise, use Emacs's standard conversion function." (cond ((fboundp 'cygwin-convert-file-name-to-windows) (format "%S" (cygwin-convert-file-name-to-windows file))) ((string= "windows-nt" system-type) file) (t (format "%S" (convert-standard-filename file))))) (defun org-babel-find-db-connection-param (params name) "Return database connection parameter NAME. Given a parameter NAME, if :dbconnection is defined in PARAMS then look for the parameter into the corresponding connection defined in `sql-connection-alist', otherwise look into PARAMS. See `sql-connection-alist' (part of SQL mode) for how to define database connections." (or (cdr (assq name params)) (and (assq :dbconnection params) (let* ((dbconnection (cdr (assq :dbconnection params))) (name-mapping '((:dbhost . sql-server) (:dbport . sql-port) (:dbuser . sql-user) (:dbpassword . sql-password) (:dbinstance . sql-dbinstance) (:database . sql-database))) (mapped-name (cdr (assq name name-mapping)))) (cadr (assq mapped-name (cdr (assoc-string dbconnection sql-connection-alist t)))))))) (defun org-babel-execute:sql (body params) "Execute a block of Sql code with Babel. This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'." (let* ((result-params (cdr (assq :result-params params))) (cmdline (cdr (assq :cmdline params))) (dbhost (org-babel-find-db-connection-param params :dbhost)) (dbport (org-babel-find-db-connection-param params :dbport)) (dbuser (org-babel-find-db-connection-param params :dbuser)) (dbpassword (org-babel-find-db-connection-param params :dbpassword)) (dbinstance (org-babel-find-db-connection-param params :dbinstance)) (database (org-babel-find-db-connection-param params :database)) (engine (cdr (assq :engine params))) (colnames-p (not (equal "no" (cdr (assq :colnames params))))) (in-file (org-babel-temp-file "sql-in-")) (out-file (or (cdr (assq :out-file params)) (org-babel-temp-file "sql-out-"))) (header-delim "") (command (cl-case (intern engine) (dbi (format "dbish --batch %s < %s | sed '%s' > %s" (or cmdline "") (org-babel-process-file-name in-file) "/^+/d;s/^|//;s/(NULL)/ /g;$d" (org-babel-process-file-name out-file))) (monetdb (format "mclient -f tab %s < %s > %s" (or cmdline "") (org-babel-process-file-name in-file) (org-babel-process-file-name out-file))) (mssql (format "sqlcmd %s -s \"\t\" %s -i %s -o %s" (or cmdline "") (org-babel-sql-dbstring-mssql dbhost dbuser dbpassword database) (org-babel-sql-convert-standard-filename (org-babel-process-file-name in-file)) (org-babel-sql-convert-standard-filename (org-babel-process-file-name out-file)))) (mysql (format "mysql %s %s %s < %s > %s" (org-babel-sql-dbstring-mysql dbhost dbport dbuser dbpassword database) (if colnames-p "" "-N") (or cmdline "") (org-babel-process-file-name in-file) (org-babel-process-file-name out-file))) ((postgresql postgres) (format "%s%s --set=\"ON_ERROR_STOP=1\" %s -A -P \ footer=off -F \"\t\" %s -f %s -o %s %s" (if dbpassword (format "PGPASSWORD=%s " (shell-quote-argument dbpassword)) "") (or (bound-and-true-p sql-postgres-program) "psql") (if colnames-p "" "-t") (org-babel-sql-dbstring-postgresql dbhost dbport dbuser database) (org-babel-process-file-name in-file) (org-babel-process-file-name out-file) (or cmdline ""))) (sqsh (format "sqsh %s %s -i %s -o %s -m csv" (or cmdline "") (org-babel-sql-dbstring-sqsh dbhost dbuser dbpassword database) (org-babel-sql-convert-standard-filename (org-babel-process-file-name in-file)) (org-babel-sql-convert-standard-filename (org-babel-process-file-name out-file)))) (vertica (format "vsql %s -f %s -o %s %s" (org-babel-sql-dbstring-vertica dbhost dbport dbuser dbpassword database) (org-babel-process-file-name in-file) (org-babel-process-file-name out-file) (or cmdline ""))) (oracle (format "sqlplus -s %s < %s > %s" (org-babel-sql-dbstring-oracle dbhost dbport dbuser dbpassword database) (org-babel-process-file-name in-file) (org-babel-process-file-name out-file))) (saphana (format "hdbsql %s -I %s -o %s %s" (org-babel-sql-dbstring-saphana dbhost dbport dbinstance dbuser dbpassword database) (org-babel-process-file-name in-file) (org-babel-process-file-name out-file) (or cmdline ""))) (t (user-error "No support for the %s SQL engine" engine))))) (with-temp-file in-file (insert (pcase (intern engine) (`dbi "/format partbox\n") (`oracle "SET PAGESIZE 50000 SET NEWPAGE 0 SET TAB OFF SET SPACE 0 SET LINESIZE 9999 SET TRIMOUT ON TRIMSPOOL ON SET ECHO OFF SET FEEDBACK OFF SET VERIFY OFF SET HEADING ON SET MARKUP HTML OFF SPOOL OFF SET COLSEP '|' ") ((or `mssql `sqsh) "SET NOCOUNT ON ") (`vertica "\\a\n") (_ "")) (org-babel-expand-body:sql body params) ;; "sqsh" requires "go" inserted at EOF. (if (string= engine "sqsh") "\ngo" ""))) (org-babel-eval command "") (org-babel-result-cond result-params (with-temp-buffer (progn (insert-file-contents-literally out-file) (buffer-string))) (with-temp-buffer (cond ((memq (intern engine) '(dbi mysql postgresql postgres saphana sqsh vertica)) ;; Add header row delimiter after column-names header in first line (cond (colnames-p (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents out-file) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line 1) (insert "-\n") (setq header-delim "-") (write-file out-file))))) (t ;; Need to figure out the delimiter for the header row (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents out-file) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "^\\(-+\\)[^-]" nil t) (setq header-delim (match-string-no-properties 1))) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-char -1) (while (looking-at "\n") (delete-char 1) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-char -1)) (write-file out-file)))) (org-table-import out-file (if (string= engine "sqsh") '(4) '(16))) (org-babel-reassemble-table (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (string= (car x) header-delim) 'hline x)) (org-table-to-lisp)) (org-babel-pick-name (cdr (assq :colname-names params)) (cdr (assq :colnames params))) (org-babel-pick-name (cdr (assq :rowname-names params)) (cdr (assq :rownames params)))))))) (defun org-babel-prep-session:sql (_session _params) "Raise an error because Sql sessions aren't implemented." (message "org-babel-prep-session")) (defun org-babel-load-session:sql (session body params) (message "load session %s" session)) (defun ob-sql-session-buffer-live-p (buffer) "Return non-nil if the process associated with buffer is live. This redefines `sql-buffer-live-p' of sql.el, considering the terminal is valid even when `sql-interactive-mode' isn't set. BUFFER can be a buffer object or a buffer name. The buffer must be a live buffer, have a running process attached to it, and, if PRODUCT or CONNECTION are specified, its `sql-product' or `sql-connection' must match." (let ((buffer (get-buffer buffer))) (and buffer (buffer-live-p buffer) (let ((proc (get-buffer-process buffer))) (and proc (memq (process-status proc) '(open run))))))) (defun org-babel-sql-session-connect (in-engine params session) "Start the SQL client of IN-ENGINE if it has not. PARAMS provides the sql connection parameters for a new or existing SESSION. Clear the intermediate buffer from previous output, and set the process filter. Return the comint process buffer. The buffer naming was shortened from *[session] engine://user@host/database*, that clearly identifies the connexion from Emacs, to *SQL [session]* in order to retrieve a session with its name alone, the other parameters in the header args beeing no longer needed while the session stays open." (sql-set-product in-engine) (let* ( (sql-server (cdr (assoc :dbhost params))) ;; (sql-port (cdr (assoc :port params))) (sql-database (cdr (assoc :database params))) (sql-user (cdr (assoc :dbuser params))) (sql-password (cdr (assoc :dbpassword params))) (buffer-name (format "%s" (if (string= session "none") "" (format "[%s]" session)))) ;; (buffer-name ;; (format "%s%s://%s%s/%s" ;; (if (string= session "none") "" (format "[%s] " session)) ;; engine ;; (if sql-user (concat sql-user "@") "") ;; (if sql-server (concat sql-server ":") "") ;; sql-database)) (ob-sql-buffer (format "*SQL: %s*" buffer-name))) ;; I get a nil on sql-for-each-login on the first call ;; to sql-interactive at ;; (if (sql-buffer-live-p ob-sql-buffer) ;; so put sql-buffer-live-p aside (if (ob-sql-session-buffer-live-p ob-sql-buffer) (progn ; set again the filter (set-process-filter (get-buffer-process ob-sql-buffer) #'ob-sql-session-comint-output-filter) ob-sql-buffer) ; and return the buffer ;; otherwise initiate a new connection (save-window-excursion (setq ob-sql-buffer ; start the client (ob-sql-connect in-engine buffer-name))) (let ((sql-term-proc (get-buffer-process ob-sql-buffer))) (unless sql-term-proc (user-error (format "SQL %s didn't start" in-engine))) ;; clear the welcoming message out of the output from the ;; first command, in the case where we forgot quiet mode. ;; we can't evaluate how long the connection will take ;; so if quiet mode is off and the connexion takes time ;; then the welcoming message may show up ;;(while (not ob-sql-session-connected)) ;;(sleep-for 0.10) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer ob-sql-buffer) (erase-buffer)) ;; set the redirection filter (set-process-filter sql-term-proc #'ob-sql-session-comint-output-filter) ;; return that buffer (get-buffer ob-sql-buffer))))) (defun ob-sql-connect (&optional engine sql-cnx) "Run ENGINE interpreter as an inferior process, with SQL-CNX as client buffer. Imported from sql.el with a few modification in order to prompt for authentication only if there's a missing parameter. Depending on the sql client the password should also be prompted." ;; Get the value of engine that we need (setq sql-product (cond ((assoc engine sql-product-alist) ; Product specified engine) (t sql-product))) ; Default to sql-engine (when (sql-get-product-feature sql-product :sqli-comint-func) ;; If no new name specified or new name in buffer name, ;; try to pop to an active SQL interactive for the same engine (let (;(buf (sql-find-sqli-buffer sql-product sql-connection)) ; unused yet (prompt-regexp (sql-get-product-feature engine :prompt-regexp )) (prompt-cont-regexp (sql-get-product-feature engine :prompt-cont-regexp)) sqli-buffer rpt) ;; store the regexp used to clear output (prompt1|indicator|prompt2) (sql-set-product-feature engine :ob-sql-session-clean-output (concat "\\(" prompt-regexp "\\)" "\\|\\(" ob-sql-session--batch-end-indicator "\n\\)" (when prompt-cont-regexp (concat "\\|\\(" prompt-cont-regexp "\\)")))) ;; Get credentials. ;; either all fields are provided ;; or there's a specific case were no login is needed ;; or trigger the prompt (or (and sql-database sql-user sql-server ) ;sql-port? (eq sql-product 'sqlite) ;; sqlite allows in-memory db, w/o login (apply #'sql-get-login (sql-get-product-feature engine :sqli-login))) ;; depending on client, password is forcefully prompted ;; Connect to database. ;; (let ((sql-user (default-value 'sql-user)) ;; (sql-password (default-value 'sql-password)) ;; (sql-server (default-value 'sql-server)) ;; (sql-database (default-value 'sql-database)) ;; (sql-port (default-value 'sql-port)) ;; (default-directory (or sql-default-directory default-directory))) ;; The password wallet returns a function ;; which supplies the password. (untested) (when (functionp sql-password) (setq sql-password (funcall sql-password))) ;; Erase previous sql-buffer as we'll be looking for it's prompt ;; to indicate session readyness (let ((previous-session (get-buffer (format "*SQL: %s*" sql-cnx)))) (when previous-session (with-current-buffer previous-session (erase-buffer))) (setq sqli-buffer (let ((process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment)) (variables (sql-get-product-feature engine :environment))) (mapc (lambda (elem) ; environment variables, evaluated here (setenv (car elem) (eval (cadr elem)))) variables) (funcall (sql-get-product-feature engine :sqli-comint-func) engine (sql-get-product-feature engine :sqli-options) (format "SQL: %s" sql-cnx)))) (setq sql-buffer (buffer-name sqli-buffer)) (setq rpt (sql-make-progress-reporter nil "Login")) (with-current-buffer sql-buffer (let ((proc (get-buffer-process sqli-buffer)) (secs org-babel-sql-timeout) (step 0.2)) (while (and proc (memq (process-status proc) '(open run)) (or (accept-process-output proc step) (<= 0.0 (setq secs (- secs step)))) (progn (goto-char (point-max)) (not (re-search-backward prompt-regexp 0 t)))) (sql-progress-reporter-update rpt))) ;; no prompt, connexion failed (and process is terminated) (goto-char (point-max)) (unless (re-search-backward prompt-regexp 0 t) (user-error "Connection failed"))) ;is this a _user_ error? ;;(run-hooks 'sql-login-hook) ; don't ) (sql-progress-reporter-done rpt) (get-buffer sqli-buffer)))) (defun ob-sql-session-format-query (str) "Process then send the command STR to the SQL process. Provide ENGINE to retrieve product features. Carefully separate client commands from SQL commands Concatenate SQL commands as one line is one way to stop on error. Otherwise the entire batch will be emitted no matter what. Finnally add the termination command." (concat (let ((commands (split-string str "\n")) (terminal-command (concat "^\s*" (sql-get-product-feature sql-product :terminal-command)))) (mapconcat (lambda(s) (when (not (string-match "\\(^[\s\t]*--.*$\\)\\|\\(^[\s\t]*$\\)" s)) (concat (replace-regexp-in-string "[\t]" "" ; filter tabs (replace-regexp-in-string "--.*" "" s)) ;; remove comments (when (string-match terminal-command s) "\n")))) commands " " )) ; the only way to stop on error, ";\n" (sql-get-product-feature sql-product :batch-terminate) "\n" )) (defun ob-sql-session-comint-output-filter (_proc string) "Process output STRING of PROC gets redirected to a temporary buffer. It is called several times consecutively as the shell outputs and flush its message buffer" ;; Inserting a result in the sql process buffer (to read it as a ;; regular prompt log) inserts it to the terminal, and as a result the ;; ouput would get passed as input onto the next command line; See ;; `comint-redirect-setup' to possibly fix that, ;; (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc) (insert output)) (when (or (string-match ob-sql-session--batch-end-indicator string) (> (time-to-seconds (time-subtract (current-time) org-babel-sql-session-start-time)) org-babel-sql-timeout)) (setq ob-sql-session-command-terminated t)) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ob-sql-result*") (insert string))) (defun org-babel-sql-expand-vars (body vars &optional sqlite) "Expand the variables held in VARS in BODY. If SQLITE has been provided, prevent passing a format to `orgtbl-to-csv'. This prevents overriding the default format, which if there were commas in the context of the table broke the table as an argument mechanism." (mapc (lambda (pair) (setq body (replace-regexp-in-string (format "$%s" (car pair)) (let ((val (cdr pair))) (if (listp val) (let ((data-file (org-babel-temp-file "sql-data-"))) (with-temp-file data-file (insert (orgtbl-to-csv val (if sqlite nil '( :fmt (lambda (el) (if (stringp el) el (format "%S" el))) :with-special-rows nil))))) data-file) (if (stringp val) val (format "%S" val)))) body t t))) vars) body) (provide 'ob-sql) ;;; ob-sql.el ends here