Hi John, On 10-Nov-4, at 5:24 PM, John Hendy wrote: > Nice! I was able to do the following: > > - grab your copy of org-taskjuggler.el and install it > - get the .org file here: http://orgmode.org/manual/TaskJuggler-export.html > - export to a .tjp If you grabbed the code I wrote, you can export the file, and compile it directly with tj3 using C-c e J, saving a step. > - swap out the default export with the code below and run "tj3 tj3- > test.tjp" and get a nice html report! > --- If you're looking for a default tj3 export... perhaps start with > what's below? Thanks for the pointer to the reports - I'll try to add them in to the example file. Also, thank you for testing the code, and please post if you find bugs, or other problems, Regards, -Anthony